CCRS Implementation Team Meeting November, 2013 Welcome back! “Do we have any new team members that may not have participated in these sessions last year?” As a reminder, this is the vehicle for sharing resources, information, and practices that would support you as you support your teachers in implementing the CCRS. Though it is a second year of implementation of CCRS math standards, we continue to learn improved ways of creating learning experiences for our students that are relevant and meaningful. This next year is going to be an opportunity for ALL teachers to learn together in the implementation of the ELA CCRS and Literacy standards across all content areas. So, today and the other three times your team will participate in these sessions, we hope you will walk away with renewed enthusiasm to not only influence your own practice, but to share what you learn with all of your colleagues in your district.
Absolutes Teach to the standards for each of the required subjects (Alabama College- and Career-Ready Standards - Courses of Study) Through a clearly articulated and locally aligned K-12 curriculum (Sample curricula found on ALEX and Alabama Insight) Supported by aligned resources, support, and professional development (Sample lesson plans and supporting resources found on ALEX, differentiated support through ALSDE Regional Planning/Support Teams and ALSDE Initiatives, etc.) Monitored regularly through formative, interim/benchmark assessments to inform the effectiveness of the instruction and continued learning needs of individuals and groups of students (GlobalScholar, QualityCore Benchmarks, and other locally determined assessments) With a goal that each student graduates from high school with the knowledge and skills to succeed in post-high school education and the workforce without the need for remediation as evidenced by multiple measures achieved through multiple pathways to meet the graduation requirements set for students in Alabama. (Alabama High School Graduation Requirements/Diploma) Again …..In the midst of change, there really are some absolutes! These absolutes really should guide our message, our professional learning plans, our reflection on implementation. This could be a great framework for your team as you plan professional learning, coaching support, evaluating implementation, etc.
Our Vision Every Child a Graduate – Every Graduate Prepared for College/Work/Adulthood in the 21st Century At every opportunity, we want to remind everyone of the vision. Every child a graduate BUT every graduate prepared for that next phase of life. As you may know, these CCRS IT meetings are an opportunity for us to learn together about what the standards mean and what instruction supports this vision of college and career readiness for all students.
Words from Dr. Bice One of the things you told us was that you liked hearing from Dr. Bice – so he will be doing quarterly video updates for us to use in these meetings as well as our informational meetings with superintendents and district staff. Play from DVD. Afterwards, allow a few minutes for them to discuss what they heard.
Outcomes for the Day Participants will: Evaluate their progress in implementing the district’s CCRS professional learning plan Network and share ideas and plans for CCRS professional learning Deepen understanding and application of CCRS for math, ELA, and literacy So, here are our outcomes
Overview of the Day Agenda Session Feedback Review Agenda & Packet (Talk through agenda/locations) Notice that there is an added session for supporting leadership. This is optional for administrators. You can stay in your content session with teachers or join this session that will focus on resources for supporting principals, teacher leaders, etc. Tell them that feedback from surveys and focus groups helped to guide the planning for today. You said to us that you wanted to continue emphasis on lesson and unit development – practical application of what you learn. Tell them that they also told us they needed time for their district team to plan how they will use the information they learn to support teachers and administrators. Encourage participants to complete the Survey Monkey for this session. QR codes are located throughout the training facility and the link to the survey is on the CCRS website.
Resources/Guides There are two documents that could guide your reflection on implementation. Last year, you used the PD Guide to develop your CCRS PD Plan – you may want to use it to evaluate where you are. The other document was recently developed for us to assist you with thinking about your district implementation. For this morning, you may want to look specifically at #9 – Professional Learning for Teachers. Both of these guides can be found on the CCRS website if you would like to download. Under resources; Implementation Teams; CCRS 2013-2014 QM 1
Next Steps As a team, review your progress in implementing your CCRS Professional Learning Plan. Consider using the questions to guide your discussion. You may want to use the PD Planning Guide and/or the District Implementation Progress Rubric. Think about the structures you currently have in place for professional learning (PLCs, etc.) and determine if they are reflective of effective professional learning. This morning you will have about 40 minutes to plan with your district teams and another planning time this afternoon. Read slide.
CCRS Rollout Coordinator Cindy Freeman CCRS Rollout Coordinator 334.353.1191