Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Period 6 SS Lead Meeting Wednesday, December 9, 2015 Period 6
What are your winter break plans? Team Building… What are your winter break plans? Cortes
Setting the Context… Purpose Outcome Prepare for SS Meeting on 12/10 Prepare for Jaguar Night Increase Reed/Habits of Mind Awareness Outcome Produce Agenda for SS Meeting on 12/10 Conduct Progress Check on Jaguar Night PPT Review Reed Observation Tool Flores
Agenda Items for 12/10… Mr. Duarte will be presenting strategies for parent engagement (20 minutes) Lincoln HS visit recap College visit updates (Abraham Parra) Jaguar Night updates Reed/Habits of Mind visit preparation (1/29/15) Lossada
Jaguar Night Small School PPT update PPT’s are due 12/16 to Administrator Small School personnel attending SS Lead, Learning Partner, Counselor (who are they) 2 hours to plan and 3 hours for the event Jaguar attire! Garibaldi
Reed/ Habits of Mind Reed Office visit on Friday, January 29, 2015 Reed/Habits of Mind observation tool Reed/HOM PD on 1/12/15 and Posters SS bulletin boards/displays connected to HOM Barragan
Announcements… Small School allocation requests due in March Grades/roll books are due 12/17 Holiday Team Building PD (12/18/15) Baby Pictures Securing the campus during winter break Clearing Attendance SS Lead Meeting on 12/16