LSSG Green Belt Training Teams and Meeting Management Teams
VOE - Voice of Employee Goal - Create value to the organization and its employees Obtain Input from Employees Employees Surveys Suggestion systems Feedback from teams Form Teams/Initiate Improvement Projects Analyze project opportunity Approval of project charter and clear objective Manage Meetings Establish project plan and team roles Use tools for effective meetings Empower Employees Teams
Empowerment - Definitions The creation of conditions within organizations encouraging and enabling every employee and team to contribute their maximum creativity, effort and effectiveness to achieving the mission and strategy of the organization. A management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power with employees and teams so that they can take initiative and make decisions to solve problems and improve service and performance. Teams
What is a Team? A group of individuals who are committed to achieve common objectives, meet regularly to identify and improve organizational processes, work and interact openly and effectively together, producing high quality results A group of individuals who are committed to achieve common objectives, meet regularly to identify and solve quality problems, work and interact openly and effectively together, produce high quality results Types of Teams: Functional ,Cross Functional, Self Managed, others Teams
Types of Teams Steering Teams Project Teams Cross-Functional Teams Self-Directed Teams Large Teams Virtual Teams Teams Including Suppliers or Customers
When Should Teams Be Formed? When complex, cross-functional processes are addressed, and pooled expertise is needed When buy-in is needed When it is determined that shared leadership of a project is preferred to a single person, or too much time is required of an individual When true synergy is needed to create innovative solutions When collective strength is desirable Teams
Meeting Management Techniques: Team Operating Rules Agenda Attendance Meeting Time and Place Type of Decision Process Meeting Minutes Team Roles Brainstorming Behavior Norms and Feedback Confidentiality Meeting Audits Managing Conflict Respecting Diversity of Thought Temperament Instruments Polling and Decision Reviews Implementing Decisions/Delegation Commitments Outside Meetings Involvement of Non-Team Members Teams
Example Operating Rules - Meeting Behavior Be active, empathic listeners Speak up more; be made to feel our opinion is important Focus on things that we can control Understand the dynamics of our team Measure what we do; make fact-based decisions Have a positive attitude; eliminate “not my problem” Do the right things; know what is important Use better time and project management Be prepared for meetings Act upon things that are wrong and follow-through Infuse Lean Six Sigma into the entire organization Teams
Meeting Management Techniques: Personality/Temperament Instruments Temperament - A set of inclinations… a predisposition to certain attitudes and actions Temperament instruments (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Keirsey Temperament Sorter) examine these innate facets of personality to arrive at a picture of an individual Then, the “profile” of a team can be determined and team diversity can be understood and managed Teams
Meeting Management Techniques: Personality/Temperament Instruments The sixteen types (e.g., “ENFJ”) are based on the four pairs of personality dimensions: Extroversion (E) vs. Introversion (I) Sensation (S) vs. Intuition (N) Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F) Judgment (J) vs. Perception (P) No single letter should be taken as naming a type of person; the letters merely suggest stronger or weaker tendencies of a person’s makeup No temperament or personality type is good or bad; what is important is that teams have balance Teams
Meeting Management Techniques: Brainstorming Goal: to generate a large number of ideas Steps Encourage creativity/no criticism Involve everyone Record ideas No discussion/clarification only Combine ideas that have the same meaning Number the remaining ideas Rank the ideas Note that it is best to begin with a warm-up activity! Teams
Meeting Management Techniques: Consensus Decision-Making The recommended method for most team decision-making Insures that decisions made are Implemented The Method: Everyone has been heard (use polling!) Everyone believes the decision-making process was fair Everyone can (and will!) actively support the decision Everyone does not have to agree! Teams
Review Previous Minutes Understanding/ Support Meeting Management Techniques: Example Agenda Team: Purchasing Leader: Dennis Date: 6/25 Room: USA1007 Time: 9:00-10:30am Agenda Item Desired Outcome Time Allotted Mins Who is Responsible? Review Previous Minutes Approval 9:00 - 9:10 10 Dennis Sub-Team Reports Input/Feedback 9:10-9:30 20 Sarah, Dan Group Discussion Understanding/ Support 9:30-9:45 15 Christine Guest Comments Feedback 9:45-10:00 Charise (CFO) Review Decisions Consensus 10:00-10:10 Next Agenda 10:10-10:20 Sue Process Check Improve next meeting 10:20-10:30 Charley Teams
Scheduling Team Roles Teams
Team Facilitator Role Team Process Facilitator Role Internal Consultant Trainer Coach Champion & Change Agent Teams
Action Register/Meeting Minutes Team: Safety Compliance Team Leader: J. Smith Date: 8/4 In Attendance: J. Smith, R. Johnson, H. Smart, M. Edgewood, N. Poe, K. Froeme, B. Underwood, C. Homan Absent: E. Mitzger, D. Lane Action # Who (Name)? Is Going To Do What? By When? Completed? 1 R. Johnson Prepare report 8/18 20% 2 H. Smart Present Benchmarking sub-team findings 8/18 30% 3 M. Edgewood Prepare histogram of S.M.A.R.T. objective baseline data 0% Teams
Team Operating Procedures: Team Process Check Teams
Team Operating Procedures: Win-Win Agreements (for Delegating) Teams
Team Celebrations Celebrate the completion of a team project Recognize the accomplishments of the team Celebrate at least quarterly Invite entire department, project stakeholders, and other key guests Invite managers of all team members Meet during work hours at work place Keep to a low budget Give appropriate notice to all If multiple locations, have multiple celebrations (with key managers in attendance at each celebration) Teams
Preparing for Team Success Understand that working on an effective team is an exception Don’t form teams when not needed Get the right people when you do Don’t call your team a “committee” Draft a preliminary project objective; graph the key metric; share with extended team for feedback before first meeting Clarify new management roles Secure a project champion before your start Replace the need for good luck with good preparation! Teams
Team Synergy Synergy (The Result) Win-win Problem Or Opportunity Diversity Listening Synergy capitalizes on diversity, and requires a win-win attitude and empathic listening to be successful! (S. Covey) Teams