Work Advancement Meeting WebEx Meeting’s Agenda


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Presentation transcript:

Work Advancement Meeting WebEx Meeting’s Agenda S-121 Developments Work Advancement Meeting WebEx Meeting’s Agenda 3nd S121 Project Team Meeting, Sept. 20-21st, 2017 WebEx S121PT

Agenda Introduction and Roll Call of participants Attribution Minutes of the previous meeting (brief review) Specific additions Governance Status of S121 in other related forums Examples Status in UN-GGIM Exchange format and use cases Status in ISO – Revision of ISO 19152 Use Cases Status in OGC – Potential future Pilot project Explicit Text Format Model Draft example Feature and Attribute Model Communication strategy Revision of core feature model revision and actions WebSite Renaming of attributes to align with IHO Register Papers and documents Relationship Model Upcoming strategy for implementation and release Rights Restrictions and Responsibilities and Parties Sourcing Expectations for next HSSC meeting Feature and Geometry Model Expectations for next meeting in December Structure from S-100 OGC Pilot Project (Involving the industry and international community). Explicit feature to feature relationships Location by text Member States involvement Types of location (original, official, commonReference, global) Testing with DOALOS Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) ...  International Seabed Authority  International Maritime Organization (IMO) Internatioanl Hydrogrpahic Organisation S121PT