What Today’s Employees are Looking for in Work Job Satisfaction Kevin DeMattio Amy Diaz JJ Hendricks Mike Merriman Peter Striegel Chris Wilson What Today’s Employees are Looking for in Work
Job Satisfaction Defined: Job Satisfaction is an employee’s judgement about whether various workplace characteristics are favourable or unfavourable.
Employee Satisfaction is Related to: Supportive Work Environment Enriched Work Proper Management Fair/Adequate Compensation Flexible Work Schedules
Satisfaction: Supportive Work Environment Sufficient training and development opportunities Surroundings that are safe, clean, and comfortable. Job Security A corporate culture that respects family needs.
Satisfaction: Enriched Work Meaningful Work -Challenging -Important -Leaves a feeling of accomplishment - Work that allows learning and development of skills “Spirituality in the Work Place” Employees prefer jobs that are designed around a recognizable product or service, rather than jobs that are indistinguishable components of a larger assembly.
Satisfaction: Proper Management Dissatisfaction with boss is #1 reason for leaving. Trust in management “Walk the Talk” Fairness from management: Clear communication Listening to employee input/concerns Providing praise Empowering the employee
Satisfaction: Pay Structures Competitive pay Societal factors in the labor market play a strong role in how satisfied employees are with their pay. Procedural Justice Dissatisfaction with pay doesn’t strongly correlate with the amount of pay. Satisfaction is more strongly affected by the fairness of the pay. U.S. workers focus on equity; rewards should be in proportion to the employee’s contribution.
Satisfaction: Benefits Cafeteria – style pension plans allow people to choose their compensation options that fit their personal lives. Traditional benefits that employees expect include: Health/Dental insurance Pension and 401 (K) plans Vacation and sick – leave plans Employers are becoming more creative when it comes to in-house benefits. In-house child care Exercise rooms
Satisfaction: Work Schedule Flextime Schedules provide flexibility for working parents, students, or staff members. Mandatory overtime is currently one area of employee discontent. The majority of U.S. workers want: Reduced work hours. Increased paid vacation time.
Organizational Constraints Insufficient job-related information, resources, or supplies. Inadequate skills/time to perform job duties. Repetitive work, role ambiguity and role overload. Deficiencies in help from others and the services provided.
Job Satisfaction as it Relates to Hiring Job designs that encourage personal enhancement and career advancements. A common reason for dissatisfaction is that employees do not feel suited for the job. Employee goals match Company mission and values. Applicants want a realistic job preview that gives a balanced picture of all job duties and expectations.
Conclusion Employee satisfaction is based on: These elements will only work if: proper hiring practices allow for correct job fit job designs enhance competencies a complete and balanced job description. Supportive Work Environment Enriched Work Proper Management Fair/Adequate Compensation Flexible Work Schedules