Banner 8.0 General Student.


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Banner 8.0 General Student

Introductions Name Organization Title/function Job responsibilities Banner experience Expectations Introductions The instructor will introduce himself/herself by describing his/her experience with: SunGard Higher Education Banner Banner [Product name] Higher Education The participants in the class will introduce themselves by sharing with the class: Name Organization Title/Function Job Responsibility Banner experience Banner [ Product name] experience And their expectations of the training session Write down the expectations of the class members at the beginning of the training session. That way, at the end, you will be able to see if all expectations have been met. If they are not to be met, explain why.

Course Goals The goal of this course is to provide you with the knowledge and practice to create and modify student records After discussing the course goals, discuss the use of the associated workbook and how it will assist them during training and after they return to their institutions.

Agenda Overview Set Up Day-to-Day Question and Answer Discuss how the course will be structured…first going over the Set up (rule and validation forms) that are required for recruitment and application training. Followed by the discussion of the Day-to-Day procedures that are required to handle general student processing.


Overview An active General Student record is required before a student is able to be assessed tuition and fees or register for classes. Banner will review the student characteristics during registration to ensure that the student is eligible to register and to ensure that the student register’s into the correct courses

Process Introduction

Terminology Combined Academic Standing Cohort Communication Plan Student Right to Know Act

Set Up

Set Up Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to create the rules and set parameters used to process student data See Set Up Section of workbook.

Validation and Rules Forms Student Activity Code Validation (STVACTC) Advisor Type Code Validation (STVADVR) Student CARE AFDC Duration Validation (STVAFDC) Academic Standing Code Validation (STVASTD) Attribute Validation (STVATTR) Student Attribute Code Validation (STVATTS) Block Code Validation (STVBLCK) Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook Set Up Section. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Set Up section of workbook. Continued on the next page

Validation and Rules Forms, continued Campus Code Validation (STVCAMP) Combined Academic Standing Code Validation (STVCAST) Cohort Code Validation (STVCHRT) Class Code Validation (STVCLAS) Comment Type Code Validation (STVCMTT) Communication Plan Code Validation (STVCPLN) Cohort Reason Code Validation (STVCREA) Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook Set Up Section. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Set Up section of workbook.

Validation and Rules Forms, continued Contact Type Code Validation (STVCTYP) Student CARE Number of Dependents Validation (STVDEPS) Disability Type Code Validation (STVDISA) Degree Level Code Validation (STVDLEV) Employer Code Validation (STVEMPL) Eligibility Validation (STVELIG) Education Opportunity Prog/Serv Status Validation (STVEOPS) Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook Set Up Section. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Set Up section of workbook.

Validation and Rules Forms, continued Eligibility Factor Validation (STVESEL) Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) Student CARE Marital Status Validation (STVMARS) Medical Code Validation (STVMEDI) Originator Code Validation (STVORIG) Progress Evaluation Code Validation (STVPREV) Appointment Result Code Validation (STVRSLT) Services Provided Validation (STVSEPR) Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook Set Up Section. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Set Up section of workbook.

Validation and Rules Forms, continued State F/A Eligibility Validation (STVSFAE) Service Provider Validation (STVSPRV) Disability Service Code Validation (STVSPSR) Sport Status Code Validation (STVSPST) Service Code Validation (STVSSER) Service Result Validation (STVSSRS) Services Status Validation (STVSSST) Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook Set Up Section. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Set Up section of workbook.

Validation and Rules Forms, continued Student Status Code Validation (STVSTST) Student Type Code Validation (STVSTYP) Student Element One (through Ten) Validation (STVSUDA – J) Acceptance Reason Validation (STVTRAC) Veteran Type Code Validation (STVVETC) Student EOPS/CARE Withdrawal Reason Validation (STVWTHD) Access Banner and, selecting all or some of the above forms, displays and discuss how each is used. See Workbook Set Up Section. Procedures/How to complete the above forms are located in Set Up section of workbook.

Student Classification Rules (SGACLSR) Use this form to establish the academic classification rules based on the range of hours entered and user-defined student attributes

Set Up Review What is a Communication Plan? What is a Student’s Right to Know? Name at least two student type codes that should be created on the Student Type Code Validation Form (STVSTYP) for IPEDS reporting. Solicit answers from above questions from audience.

Day-to-Day Operations

Day-to-Day Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to create a general student record use the Quick Entry form change a major and add a minor process a leave of absence request enter veteran information add or change advisor information enter additional student information enter cooperative education information See Day-to-Day section in workbook.

Objectives, Continued view a student’s information enter guardian information maintain sports records maintain and monitor Student Right to Know reporting enter disability information enter EOPS information maintain required information perform purge processes use General Student mass entry processes See Day-to-Day section in workbook.

Day-to-Day Process

Creating a General Student Record Admissions Decision Form (SAADCRV) Used to enter decisions for an admissions application Access Banner and enter data on form.

Creating a General Student Record Using the Quick Entry Form Quick Entry Form (SAAQUIK) Used to provide a way to enter and register persons on the system with minimal effort Access Banner and enter data on form.

Changing a Major and Adding a Minor General Student Form (SGASTDN) Used to maintain current and historical information about a student Access Banner and enter data on form.

Changing a Major and Adding a Minor General Student Form (SGASTDN) Used to maintain current and historical information about a student Access Banner and enter data on form.

Changing a Major and Adding a Minor General Student Form (SGASTDN) Used to maintain current and historical information about a student Access Banner and enter data on form.

Processing a Leave of Absence Request General Student Form (SGASTDN) The Miscellaneous Student Information window is used to enter miscellaneous information for the student, such as practical training and leave information Access Banner and enter data on form.

Entering Veteran Information General Student Form (SGASTDN) The Veteran window is used to maintain veteran information Access Banner and enter data on form.

Adding or Changing Advisor Information Multiple Advisors Form (SGAADVR) Allows a student to be associated with an unlimited number of advisors for an effective term range Access Banner and enter data on form.

Entering Additional Student Information Additional Student Information Form (SGASADD) Maintains cohort codes, as well as attributes, which are assigned to the student by effective term Access Banner and enter data on form.

Entering Cooperative Education Information Cooperative Education Form (SGACOOP) Used to maintain data pertaining to the student’s cooperative education positions Access Banner and enter data on form.

Creating Communication Plan Information Communication Rules Form (SOACOMM) Used to define the different types of Communication Plans as applied to campus, level, college, and degree, and to define the rules for the automatic assignment of communication plans to people and the processing of the communication plan Access Banner and enter data on form.

Creating Communication Plan Information, continued

Viewing a Student’s Information General Student Summary Form (SGASTDQ) Stand-alone query form that displays all general student records on file for a student based on the term Access Banner and enter data on form.

Entering Guardian Information General Person Identification Form (SPAIDEN) First enter the guardian on the General Person Identification Form (SPAIDEN) Then assign the guardian to a student using the Guardian Information Form (SOAFOLK) Access Banner and enter data on form.

Entering Guardian Information, continued

Maintaining Sports Records Student Sport Form (SGASPRT) Allows assignment of sport codes by term to a student Allows institutions to track students by sport code, status code, eligibility code, and term Access Banner and enter data on form.

Maintaining and Monitoring Right to Know Reporting Student Right To Know Report (SGRKNOW) Used to produce data that will assist your institution in calculating graduation and completion rates by cohort and optionally by sport codes Access Banner and enter data on form.

Entering Disability Information Student Disability Services Form (SGADISA) Capture information about disabilities, as well as services provided for those disabilities, for a student on a term-by-term basis

Entering EOPS Information Education Opportunity Programs and Services Form (SGAEOPS) Record and monitor the EOPS information for a student based on an effective term

Maintaining Required Information Institutional Reporting Requirements Form (SGAUSDF) Maintain information about students which is specifically required by the institution on a term-by-term basis Allows an institution to determine which additional data must be maintained regarding the student

Performing Purge Processes General Student Purge Process (SGPSTDN) Purges the general student information for a student who never registered based on the user-specified effective term and activity date Access Banner and enter data on form.

Performing Purge Processes, continued Hold Purge Process (SGPHOLD) Purges all expired holds based on the user specified parameters of expiration date, activity date, and hold type

General Student Mass Entry This function is a new design in Banner 8.0. It allows you to update General Student records in a group, either immediately or in a batch process. The General Student Mass Entry form, SGAMSTU, consists of three tabs: Search Update Results

General Student Mass Entry, continued The General Student Mass Entry form, SGAMSTU, consists of three tabs: Search Update Results

General Student Mass Entry, continued The General Student Mass Entry form, SGAMSTU, consists of three tabs: Search Update Results

General Student Mass Entry, continued The General Student Mass Entry form, SGAMSTU, consists of three tabs: Search Update Results

General Student Mass Entry, continued General Student Mass Entry (SGAMSTU) Mass Entry Audit (SOAMAUD) Mass Entry Batch Update (SORMEBP) Mass Entry Purge Audit (SOPMAUD)

General Student Mass Entry, continued Mass Entry Audit (SOAMAUD)

General Student Mass Entry, continued Mass Entry Batch Update (SORMEBP)

General Student Mass Entry, continued Mass Entry Purge Audit (SOPMAUD)

Day-to-Day Review What are the two forms you can use to create a student record? On SAAQUIK, which window do you access to add a student’s major? What window on the General Student Form (SGASTDN) do you access to add or change a major? What other type of information can be entered on the Miscellaneous Student Information window? What form is used to enter veteran information? Solicit answers from above questions from audience. Continued on the next page

Day-to-Day Review, continued On the Multiple Advisors Form (SGAADVR), on which block is information returned to after an advisor is selected? What are the two ways that cohorts and attributes can be added to a student’s record? Does an employer have to exist in the Banner system before you can add cooperative education information for a student? What are the three validation forms that are used with the Student Sport Form (SGASPRT)? What purge process do you run for a student who never registered? What form do you use to enter a mass update to student records? What form do you use to purge mass audit records?

Course Summary/Review As a result of this course we have provided you with the knowledge and practice to create and modify student records

Questions and Answers

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