Detailed Design Review P17701: ABVI/Goodwill - Upcycling Cotton Insulation Lucas Jackling, Mitchell Goepel, Samantha Kon, Denning Crenshaw MRG
Agenda Overall Summary Adhesive Characteristics Burning Characteristics Prototype No. 1 Sag Prevention Ideas Plans for MSD II MRG
Summary of Detailed Design Phase Obtained shredded cotton (50 lb) Built prototype form Updated size to 12”x12”x3.5” Met with professor about R-value test plan Performed preliminary tests Built initial prototype MRG
Beginning Prototyping Work Team Actions: Obtained 50 lb of shredded denim Acquired lab space to work in Constructed first 12”x12”x3.5” prototype with form Paperwork: Established standard prototyping documentation strategy Will publish unique excel file to EDGE for each prototype Will contain all prototyping & testing details DBC
Adhesive Characteristics We conducted a preliminary test using the purchased spray adhesive. The samples were sprayed and agitated, then left to set for several days. Bond Strength refers to the relative combined tensile strength of the interlaced fibers and the adhesive holding the fibers together. "Fluffiness" refers to the relative density of the product, after the adhesive was applied, the fluff was agitated in an attempt to glue the fibers together more evenly. Roughness refers to how the products feel on the surface, as stated above the adhesive was likely applied to heavily and unevenly, this resulted in clumps and mats of adhesive and fluff surrounded by relatively untouched sections of fluff.
Burning Characteristics Flame Spread refers to the speed that an initial flame engulfed the rest of the product. The denim spread the flame significantly faster than the synthetic mix. Rate of Smoke Development refers to the amount of smoke that was produced while the product was actively burning as well as after it was only smoldering. Flame Strength refers to the material’s tendency to keep burning. While the specimens with adhesive on them did show a lower rate of flame spread, it is more likely that the compressed nature of the specimens had more of an effect than the actual adhesive. The adhesive did make the specimens extremely hard to extinguish. JOSH KON
Prototype 1 Process: “Fluff” shredded denim Treat with borate solution (flame retardant) Air dry overnight, re-fluff Thin layer into form Layer of tacky adhesive Another layer of denim DBC
Prototype 1 Results What we Learned: “Fluffing” is a required step in the process Team looking into how to do this more quickly and consistently It is feasible and our prototype form works great LJ
Some Interesting Data... Prototype Weight: 4.6 oz Resulting Density: ~ 1 lb/ft^3 (compared to Bonded Logic 1.4 lb/ft^3) This difference could very well be due to measurement/calculation error Have Enough Material to Make ~ 150, 12” x 12” x 3.5” prototypes Note: Our shredder contact can get us a 600 lb bale if we get to the point where we want to make full-size batts for testing LJ
Reducing Sag Initial idea of adding synthetic fibers to product in order to reduce sag Adding synthetics will significantly increase smoke development Hydrophobic Spray/Coating Proposed Option - Testing Early Next Semester Wire Inserts Proposed Option Spring Inserts MRG
Plans for MSD 2 Plans For Over Break Spring Kick-Off Action Items Develop preliminary business plan Develop prototyping/testing tools Update/Revise prototype test plans Develop project plan Spring Kick-Off Action Items Develop a schedule/habit for building, testing, and qualifying prototypes Design and build setup for ImagineRIT Conceptualize, create, and practice presentation for ImagineRIT Note: EDGE site will be used more in MSD II DBC