Mindfulness Content Area 1
What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is about being in the here and now most of the time. When individuals use mindfulness in their lives, they are able to stay in balance, remain nonjudgmental and be as effective as possible.
Taking Hold of Your Mind In DBT there are three states of mind: Wise Mind Emotional Mind Reasonable Mind
Reasonable Mind This is the logical part of you brain. The part that thinks, plans and evaluates what is happening around you. Sometimes our emotions can get in the way of how well we do things. Whether we are in physical pain or emotional pain or any other kind of pain, it makes it harder to plan and think and organize every day activities we take for granted. Getting ready in the morning: drinking a cup of coffee, morning routine, taking kids to school etc. Building a house Following instructions Planning a vacation Doing math Driving
Emotional Mind This is when your present emotional state controls most of your thinking and behavior. Anger-can spur and argument Love- you might sacrifice yourself for your children Anxiety-you might rush or be unable to concentrate When we as people are in a state of emotional reactivity our minds are often spinning with so many thoughts it is hard to find the off switch. Whether we are reacting to emotional pain, physical pain, physical or mental over load or any other emotionally heightened situation we are more prone to stress.
Wise Mind This part of our mind is a little more difficult to grasp. It is the integration of the reasonable mind and the emotional mind-this does not mean the ability to flip back and forth between the two or see both sides of coin. Additionally, you usually cannot evoke emotions through reason, and you usually cannot overcome emotions with reason.
Wise Mind It is the part of the mind that gives you peace, and knows and experiences truth. Some people consider this to be the intuitive part of the brain. It integrates all ways of knowing including all of the senses-hearing, seeing, smelling etc. You will not always be in the wise mind, this doesn’t mean it is not there! Consider: when you have a hard decision to make, and after your choice your whole body feels confident, sure and relaxed, that you took the right course of action. (even if there might be consequences.)
States of Mind Diagram Reasonable Mind Wise Mind Emotional Mind
Practicing Mindfully The skills include: Observing Describing Participating Being non-judmental Being one mindful Being effective There are six different skills or ways to practice being mindful. This next portion of presentation is designed to be interactive- some of that will be lost in the lack of human contact- but let’s see how it goes.
Classic DBT Observe Describe Participate Non-judmental One-mindfully Effectively Wise Mind
Innovative DBT Moment to Pause Square Breathing Mindful Eating ONE MIND Body Scan Be Mindful Turtling