Putting the Story into Context Setting Putting the Story into Context
Stories do not happen in the vacuum of a black hole… Well, okay, maybe they do if it’s a space story… The characters and action in literature do not happen in an empty box or against a plain white canvas… they happen inside vary particular contexts. We call these contexts the setting.
Setting as Time Year Season Time of Day Elapsed Time
Setting as Place Country/State/City Type of Place Immediate Surroundings Weather Sensory Details
Setting as Cultural Context Daily Life Local Color Beliefs and Customs Historical Climate Social/Economic/ Political Situations
Two Big Questions… 1. What details about the setting can I identify and infer in the text? 2. Why are these details of setting important?
Consider Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet video
Setting in Romeo and Juliet Place Cultural Context Time The very distant past (1500’s) 4 days (Sunday – Wednesday) Many key scenes happen at night Verona, Italy Public streets Capulet and Montague households Masquerade ball The church Juliet’s bedchamber The graveyard/tomb Dialogue (“thou” “thee” “art”) Arranged marriages Marriage at young age Obedience to parents Family ties/loyalty Religion/church
Why are the details of setting important in Romeo and Juliet Why are the details of setting important in Romeo and Juliet? just a few examples… Mood/Atmosphere Plot Character The masquerade ball gives the meeting of the two teenagers a mysterious and magical quality The night scenes make things mysterious, as well as secretive and dangerous The short time span of the play (4 days worth of time) gives a sense of urgency The period of the 1500’s makes it possible for a family feud serious enough to cause bloodshed to be possible The time period also makes it possible for characters to challenge each other to duels and fight with swords The cultural context of arranged marriages and obedience to authority allows the reader to better understand how rebellious and dangerous the choices are that the main characters make The time period and cultural context makes the options available to the characters more limited and their solutions more extreme