Council on Electronic Design Automation Chapter Spring Planning Meeting January 16, 2016 San Marcos, TX
Chapter Officers Chair Kevin Nesmith EDDR Software Vice Chair Wen Hao Liu Cadence Secretary Guo Yu Oracle Treasurer Duo Ding Webmaster Jason Monagaras Si2 2
Chapter Meetings Date Technical/Admin Topic Speaker # attendant 01/09/15 Technical Tackling Variability Challenges in VLSI Circuits Mingoo Seok (Columbia U.) 30+ 02/03/15 Opportunities and Challenges in Human Centered Robotics Dr. Sentis & Dr. Fok (UT) 20+ 03/10/15 Electromigration Study for TSV-Based 3-D ICs Dr. Jiwoo Pak (Cadence) 10+ 04/10/15 Storage in Big Data Systems and the Roles Flash can Play Thomas Hebregtsen (IBM) 24+ 06/05/15 Photonics at Extreme Ultraviolet and Soft X-ray Wavelengths Prof. Carmen Menoni (Colorado St. Univ.) 32+ 3
Chapter Meetings Holiday Social and Networking Date Technical/Admin Topic Speaker # attendant 9/10 Technical Software Debug and Test Chris Durand (Bridge360) 11+ 10/1 IBM Watson Robotics Ali Unwala (IBM) 39+ 10/13 Memory for Internet of Things Dr. Betty Prince (Memory Strategies International) 20+ 11/4 Trustworthy Hardware Ramesh Karri (NYU) 19+ 11/11 The New Horizon’s Mission to Pluto Scott Weidner (SWRI) 33+ 12/11 Social Holiday Social and Networking 4
SWOT Analysis Weaknesses Strengths Local chip design and EDA companies, universities Found new meeting home at Cadence Weaknesses Meeting attendance Opportunities 4 new officers Co-sponsor events with other chapters and Semiconductor/EDA company events Threats Differentiate with other parent societies/chapters
Membership by the Numbers 1/12/2016 What constitutes a “CEDA Member”? Central Texas Chapter CEDA Email list #2221, up 32% from this time last year Actual council members #42, up from #35 LinkedIn group up to #91
Chapter Plans DAC support activities from now until June ICCAD support activities in November Co-sponsor annual TexasWISE workshop Co-sponsor annual consultants workshop Elections in November Happy hour event at the end of 2016
Questions? Thank You!