All About the Endocrine System By : Kaitlyn McKenzie, Bukunmi Alalade, Mica Woodburn, David Ramirez
Major Functions The endocrine system exist to control the body’s daily activities and how the body changes overtime. Basically, it controls every cell, organ and functions in every ones body. The endocrine system create hormones, which are vital to the body as one grows older. This system plays a roll in regulating mood, growth, development, tissue function, metabolism, sexual function and reproductive processes.
All About hormones Hormones are the chemical product of an endocrine gland and carried around the body by blood. Hormones are released when nerve implosives from the senses travel to the brain. When an event occurs the brain sends a nerve impulse to a certain endocrine gland. As a result, that gland releases hormone adrenaline into the bloodstream. ( Adrenaline causes your heat rate to increase, makes you breathe deeper and faster, and releases the sugars that power your muscles.)Hormones can turn on, turn off, speed up or slow down, different activities of different organs and tissues. In other words, hormones are like chemical messengers!
Major Parts : Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland Hypothalamus = In the lower central part of the brain there is the hypothalamus, which is the collection of specialized cells. This part of the brain is important in regulation of satiety, metabolism, and body temperature. The nerve cells located in the hypothalamus control the pituitary gland by producing chemicals that either exhilarate or slow down secretions from the pituitary. Pituitary Gland = The pituitary gland is nicknamed the “master gland” as it makes hormones that control many of the other endocrine gland. The pituitary gland is broken up into 2 parts, which are called the anterior lobe and posterior lobe. The anterior lobes functions is to regulate the activity of the thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive gland. Meanwhile, the posterior lobe releases antidiuretic hormone which helps control the body’s balance of water and oxytocin which triggers the contractions of the uterus in a women having a baby.
Major Parts : Thyroid, Thymus, and Parathyroid Thyroid = The thymus is located in the front of the lower neck. It is shaped like a bow tie or butterfly and it produces the thyroid hormones thyroxin and triiodothyronine. This gland controls the energy and stamina one has. Thymus = The thymus gland is to protect the body against autoimmunity, which occurs when the immune system turns against itself. The thymus is apart the body’s defense network and endocrine system Parathyroid = The parathyroid glands are in control if the calcium in bones and blood. This located next to the thyroid gland.
Major Parts = Adrenals, Pancreas, and Ovaries Adrenal = The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and have two separate parts. The adrenal cortex, and the adrenal medulla. The adrenal cortex (which is the outer part of the gland) produce hormones such as cortisol which are vital for life and keeps our body’s running efficiently. The adrenal medulla (the inner part of the gland) produces nonessential hormones as it manages our body’s response to stress. Pancreas (Hormone-producing) = The pancreas gland secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon in order to control blood sugar levels throughout the day. Ovaries = The ovaries are a female reproductive organ in which eggs or ova are produced. This is present in animals as a pair. Testes = Testes, which is another name for testicles is a body part that only males have which hold sperm and testosterone.
Working Together !Examples! The endocrine system works with the circulatory system to send hormones throughout the body. This helps the hormones to be received by many organs and cells, to be put to use trough bodily functions !Examples! In the endocrine system there is the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland that works with the digestive system by producing insulin to regulate the body’s blood sugar. The endocrine system works with the respiratory system to get rid of carbon dioxide that is in the body. Reproduction hormones released by the pituitary gland control the formation of sex cells in the reproduction system.
Conclusion In conclusion the endocrine system is very important to the body and vital to surviving. basically controls everything one does. This system plays a role in regulating mood, growth, development, tissue function, metabolism, sexual function, and reproductive systems. !FUN FACTS! The endocrine system makes the most hormones, but not all hormones are made by it The endocrine system is occasionally responsible for osteoporosis. Overactive parathyroid glands causes bone loss. Research in the field of neuroscience has revealed that when people fall in love, the brain constantly releases a certain chemicals, including neurotransmitter hormones, dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin The hypothalamus is the one that makes you feel hunger and thirst. It also helps in body temperature.
!Trivia Questions! Correct Answer > TRUE The ovaries only exist in the female body. True or False? Correct Answer > TRUE How many major glands are apart of the endocrine system? Correct Answer > There are 9 major glands All hormones come from the endocrine system. True and False? Correct Answer > FALSE Hormones are chemical messages created by what? A - The Brain B - The Body C - Glands <<< Correct answer