Donna Cooper Fresno City College Co-requisites Donna Cooper Fresno City College
What is a co-requisite model? Students who are placed below college level take another course alongside college English or Math to support them in meeting the goals of the college-level course. Why co-requisite models? What are the differences between traditional and co-req models? What are some California examples? Versus traditional prerequisite—make sure people understand this before we go on
Co-requisite English, Math and Equity I care most about equity. I care about efficient use of resources, more diversity in the classroom for its own sake, and more effective composition instruction, but like most people in developmental education, this is what I care most about. The research shows that co-requisite models are extremely effective at helping work toward this goal.
Differences in approach with commonalities Designed to provide students more time on task on the content and skills that are essential for success in the college-level course. Enroll students in college-level courses and provide support within one semester.
Approaches include Additional class periods before or after the college-level course Required lab or tutoring sessions Accelerated content in the basic skills for the first few weeks of the semester, followed by the college-level course within the first semester
The Ultimate Acceleration MOVE If I drive to Sacramento (from Fresno), how long will it take me to get there? How many people can go with me? Does it matter when I start my trip?
Can we accelerate the journey Can we accelerate the journey? Can we get more people there in less time?
Widespread Success for Co-requisite Models Traditional 2-year rate Co-Requisite GA: 1-year rate All others: 1 sem. Complete College America’s Spanning the Completion Divide. Tennessee, pilot for virtually all students including adults and students with lowest ACT scores; All others are statewide groups or systems. IN scaled co-req after experimenting with other models and deciding that was the approach with the best outcomes.It works to provide more intensity,and more support—lab time, required tutoring appointments etc.
Questions to Guide Your Thinking What are some reasons for completion gaps among students of color in Math and English? Where are the gaps for students of color most significant? Is equity important in this discussion and why? Why do you think co-requisite models show so much success? What makes these models work? What kind of data do we need to help us in our decision making?