Ridgeway High School Library Librarian, Susan Harris harrissg@scsk12.org (901) 416-1826 Ridgeway High School
Scheduling The library maintains an open schedule throughout the day for students to visit. To enter, students must have a signed agenda book. The library is open Monday-Friday from 7:00 to 2:30. (Mrs. Harris is willing to stay late if she has no previous engagements. Students are expected to come immediately to the library at 2:15 if she is expected to remain after school.)
Procedures Library books are checked out for two weeks. Students are allowed to check out two books per check out session. (Do not allow other students to use a book that is checked out in your name.) There is no fine for late books, but report cards will be held if books are not returned within a reasonable time frame. (Books can be renewed for another two weeks if you drop by the library and tell Mrs. Harris your name; you do not have to have the book with you to renew it.) Students must pay the replacement price for lost or damaged books. (Return books to the book drop or place them in Mrs. Harris’ hands.)
Library Rules Speak in a conversational tone. Eat and drink in the cafeteria, not the library. Enter and leave the library quietly. Respect classmates, teachers and library materials. Use library computers for educational purposes only. (Computer use is monitored.)
Electronic Resources OPAC: OPAC This resource is only available from within the school setting. TEL (Tennessee Electronic Library) This resource includes World Book, PowerSpeak Languages, Opposing Viewpoints in Context, and Books and Authors, just to name a few. ACT and ASVAB practice tests are available.
Electronic Resources Memphis/Shelby County Public Library
Electronic Resources World Almanac Online See Mrs. Harris for user names and passwords. Britannica Image Quest Britannica School Britannica Resource Packs
Thanks! Thank you for coming! Please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments or visit the library web page at ridgewayhigh.org!