The Book of Philippians Lesson 35: The Book of Philippians Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.
1:13 – He was a prisoner in Caesar’s court. 1:15 – Some were preaching Christ because of jealousy and a desire to be quarrelsome. 1:16 – Some were preaching Christ for selfish ambition and to cause problems for Paul while he was in prison.
1:13 – He could witness to the palace guards. 1:14 – His witness in prison had strengthened other Christians. 1:18 – He was glad Christ was preached, regardless of the motives.
2:14 – Do everything without complaining and arguing. 2:3 – Don’t be selfish, and in humility consider others before yourself. 2:4 – Look not only to your own interest, but also the interests of others. 2:14 – Do everything without complaining and arguing.
Worry: Mental distress; the opposite of faith Philippians 3:4-8 – His heritage as a Jew and being a Pharisee who kept the letter of the law; he saw no need for a savior Worry: Mental distress; the opposite of faith Philippians 4:6 – Everything
Truth, not lies Honesty, not dishonesty Purity, not indecency Things of a good report, not gossip Virtue, not immorality Thing worthy of praise, not criticism