facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Patrick Henry Logout Patrick Henry I want to state my objections to the Constitution of the United States…”This Constitution is clearly a consolidated government that would destroy the rightful powers of the states!” Wall Info Photos Boxes Write something… Share View photos of Patrick (7) George Washington to Patrick Henry “Any new thoughts on becoming Secretary of State?” November 9, 1788 Send Patrick a message Poke message Information Patrick Henry I want to state my objections to the Constitution of the United States…”This Constitution is clearly a consolidated government that would destroy the rightful powers of the states!” June 2, 1788 I Smell a rat In Philadelphia Networks: Virginia Birthday: May 29, 1736 Political: Anti-Federalist Religion: Anglican Hometown: Studley, Virginia Patrick Henry “I’ve been elected the first governor of Virginia” July 6, 1776 King George III to Patrick Henry “We’ll hang you when we catch you!” July 5, 1776 Friends Patrick Henry I think we should prepare for war with England….”Give me liberty or give me death! March 23, 1775 Thomas Paine Samuel Adams Benjamin Harrison Patrick Henry I will attend the first session of the Continental Congress today in Philadelphia. September 7, 1774 Edmund Randolph Joseph Martin John Marshall
“I am not a Virginian, but an American!” facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Patrick Henry Logout Patrick Henry I want to state my objections to the Constitution of the United States…”This Constitution is clearly a consolidated government that would destroy the rightful powers of the states!” Wall Info Photos Boxes Basic Information Networks: Virginia Sex: Male Birthday: May 29, 1736 Hometown: Studley, Virginia Relationship Status: Married to Dorothea Dandridge Henry Political Views: Anti-Federalist Religious Views: Anglican View photos of Patrick (7) “I am not a Virginian, but an American!” Send Patrick a message Poke message Personal Information Activities: Tobacco farming, being a radical, leading Virginia’s opposition to the ratification of the Constitution. Interests: Studying law, opposing these Federalists in Philadelphia Favorite Music: Plantation gospel Favorite Books: A Disclosure on the Origin of Inequality Favorite Quotations: “Give me liberty, or Give me death.” About Me: It’s easier to call for revolution than to keep the peace. Information Networks: Virginia Birthday: May 29, 1736 Political: Anti-Federalist Religion: Anglican Hometown: Studley, Virginia Education and Work Education College: Tutored by my father High School: Local Schools Work Employer: State of Virginia Position: First Governor Time Period: 1776-79, 1784-86 Location: Williamsburg, VA Photos 2 Albums Friends and Family Updated last Tuesday Contact Information Red Hill Plantation Updated two months ago Address: Red Hill Plantation, Virginia
facebook Wall Photos Flair Boxes Patrick Henry Logout Patrick Henry I want to state my objections to the Constitution of the United States…”This Constitution is clearly a consolidated government that would destroy the rightful powers of the states!” Wall Info Photos Boxes Photos of Patrick 7 Photos Patrick’s Albums 2 Photo Albums 5 photos Friends and Family 5 photos Red Hill Plantation 1 photo Profile Pictures
facebook Wall Photos Flair Videos Patrick Henry Logout Patrick Henry I want to state my objections to the Constitution of the United States…”This Constitution is clearly a consolidated government that would destroy the rightful powers of the states” Wall Info Photos Videos Videos of Patrick 3 Videos