Our Earth is very beautiful. It is covered by many kinds of landforms.
A landform is a certain kind of land which has a special shape.
Mountains are very tall landforms.
The tops of some mountains are steep and pointed.
The tops of mountains may be very cold.
A valley is a lowland found between hills and/or mountains A valley is a lowland found between hills and/or mountains. There is a house in this valley.
Hills are also landforms found on our Earth. Hills are not as tall as mountains. Can you point to a hill? Can you point to a valley?
Hills can be covered with grass.
A river is a body of water which flows across the land.
All rivers do not look alike.
Some rivers are found in the country, while others are found near the city.
An ocean is a large body of salty water.
Oceans are very deep bodies of water.
Many people love to visit the ocean.
People travel on the ocean.
Our beautiful Earth has many landforms and bodies of water.