Ethnopoetics an example Coined in 1968 Jerome Rothenberg wrote “Technicians of the Sacred” Non-Western poetry Poetry from indigenous or ancient cultures Use of primitive or oral traditions in poetry an example
Jerome Rothenberg born 1931
Dennis Tedlock born 1939 Teaches English and Anthropology at State University of New York, Buffalo Has written a lot about Mayan literature “The emphasis has been on performances in which the speaking, chanting, or singing voice gives shape to proverbs, riddles, curses, laments, praises, prayers, prophecies, public announcements, and narratives.”
Kathleen Stewart Professor of anthropology at University of Texas, Austin “All the world’s a poem and poems are in every sense real, etching lines of action and mood across the sensations, vibrations, movements, and intensities that comprise both experience and states of matter. But poems have to be achieved; they’re compositions at work in the everyday.”
William Bright 1928-2006 Linguist Anthropologist Studied Native American and South Asian languages Expert in California Native Languages
Stanley Diamond (1922-1991) Poet Anthropologist
George Quasha born 1942