As a Source for Conscience Formation THE CHURCH As a Source for Conscience Formation
Journal Question: Who (usually) listens to you when you offer advice? How does it feel when they do? How does it feel when they don’t?
GAUDIUM ET SPES, 1965 This is the major Vatican II document describing the “Church in the Modern World” This document claims that the Church: Is not tied to any political, social or economic system. Helps humanity reach their fullest human potential Can only offer the truth. It is man’s choice to follow it.
Veritatis Splendor #65 Christians have a great help for the formation of conscience in the Church and her Magisterium. The Christian faithful must give careful attention to the sacred and certain teaching of the Church. The Church never takes away the freedom of conscience but puts herself always and only at the service of conscience
Magisterium Definition: The authority in the Church entrusted with teaching and regulating faith and morals. It officially interprets the Word of God in Scripture and Tradition Who: The pope and the bishops in union with the pope.
What kind of teaching is there? Ordinary: The teachings of the local bishop Pastoral letters and Encyclicals Regional conferences (like the USCCB) Extraordinary: Defining a dogma of faith Very rare
So does he!
He, at times, can exercise extraordinary teaching authority.
Infallibility Sometimes there has to be a decisive voice amidst differing opinions It has to be either about faith or morals It has never been used for a moral issue It has only been used twice, and both times it was about Mary Mary’s Immaculate Conception (1854) Mary’s Assumption (1950)
What are some issues that are helpful? Voting Medical Ethics (such as stem-cell research, human cloning, etc.) International Policy Relations with other faiths and religions Personal morality (getting a counter-cultural voice)