Religious Syncretism In Latin America
Catholicism in Latin America 40% of the world’s Catholic population lives in Latin America Pope Francis from Argentina is the first Latin American Pope Although Catholicism is still the dominant religion, it’s numbers are down from 90% (1960) to 70% today. “Southern cone” countries are the least religious, Guatemala and neighboring countries are the most religious and conservative
Inquisition in the Americas 1750-1820
Syncretism definition: The blending of two or more religious belief systems into a new system.
Inside of Santo Tomas Church in Chichicastenango
Lake Atitlan
Sacrifice table at Lake Titicaca on the Bolivian altiplano
Jesus statue at La Cumbre Pass outside of La Paz, Bolivia
Huaca- A Quechua word (language of the Incas), it means an object or place that is sacred.
Temple of the Sun, Cusco
Virgin of Guadalupe, Mexico
Santeria in Cuba
Santeria Santeria was a religion formed by slaves in Cuba that combined traditional west African beliefs with Catholicism. They incorporated the traditional worship of orichas (their traditional gods/spirits) with Catholic saints.
Santeria includes trances and dancing as well as animal sacrifice and communing with the dead.
We have our own syncretism