Practice Insight Instructional Webinar Series Reporting Presented by: Shaun McAnulty – Product Training Specialist
Goals Understand Report Types Report Classes Security Level Accessing Reports & Dashboards Use of Web Browser reports Use of DataMiners Use of Dashboards Who to Contact
Report Types Web Browser : Is a standardized report displayed in a web browser. Input basic criteria and a report is generated. Web DataMiner : Is a dynamic report, meaning it is highly customizable. With filtering, sorting, & capability to add or remove data fields. You can also save the reports configuration.
Report Classes Claim Reports: Analyze your claim data. Statement Manager Reports: Analyzes your Statement/ Billing data. Dashboard Reports: Analyze claim or ERA data, by breaking up the information in to manageable categories. ERA Manager Reports: Analyze ERA transaction data. This is an optional service. Management Reports: Analyze overall data. Access limited by security level. These Are a few of our Report Classes.
Security Level If you’re familiar with Staff setup and User classes you will see security level, If I cover a report that you don’t see then you may not have the required security level. Access to certain reports can be restricted based on Security Level found in the User Class Setup of the staff record.
Accessing Reports Application Level Report Manager Each application has a Reports button, which displays all reporting options specific to that application. PRINT REPORT Buttons in the available applications. Going directly to SEARCH TOOLS and the Report Manager button displays all of the reports you have access to*. PRINT REPORTS in Task Manager displays the same information. *This is based on Security Level. There are multiple locations throughout the software that allow you to gain access to reports.
Claim Manager Moving into our application I will start in Claim Manager using the Print Reports button will bring up the full display of CLAIM Class Reports.
Claim Web Browsers Change Log Claim Status By Payer / By Date Starting with Web Browser Reports. Change Log= Displays all changes made to claims for date range. Claim Status By Payer/ Date= Claims status at time, based on Payers or Date of Upload. Clean Claim Report= What percentage are clean and Zero Paid= Displays claims paid Zero Dollars Payer List= Shows Electronic Payer list. Change Log Claim Status By Payer / By Date Clean Claim Report : Dynamic Report Zero Paid Claim Report Claim Status Activity Log Claim Summary Payer List Batched Claim Count
CHANGE LOG The Change Log will show adjustments and changes that have been input into the system as well as allow you to locate what are common changes that may be fixable in the PM. Displays All Changes made to claims by all staff members for selected timeframe.
Claim Status By Payer This Report Allows to view totals of claims, dollar amounts, and current status at the payer level. SHOW UHC has Paid Claims. Use to show that Rejected Denied Claims Given a timeframe this report displays dollar and count totals for claims in specific statuses.
Clean Claim Report This report is a Dynamic report The Clean Claim report displays multiple graphs, and tables. With interactivity via hoover text or detail options when you see the (+) icon. This report is a Dynamic report allowing for drill down details using the (+) in certain columns.
Zero Paid Claims Display claims that were paid with $0.00 payments which then allows the user to further research the individual claim using the given Account ID or Claim ID. This report shows claims that were Marked Paid but with $0.00 Payments.
Claim DataMiners Benefits of DataMiner Reports Highly Customizable Save your settings (Configuration) Exportable: CSV, EXCEL, OneNote Claim Analysis Claim Error Analysis Claim Rejection Analysis Transaction Analysis
DataMiner Configuration Screen Default Screen After inserting basic criteria you will be brought to the main DM screen for the report, here you can Run the Default, Run a Saved Configuration (Saved Custom report) or Build a New Configuration. You will also see any previous Saved Configurations as well. With a saved configuration
DataMiner Basics 1.) Unused Blades: Not currently displayed on Report but can be added. They can be used as filters without being on the report. 2.) Row Blades: Currently data that is displayed in a row on the report. User can drag any blades they want to display on report as a row here. 3.) Column Blades: Data can be brought here to display as a column on the report. The system will alert user if the data will be inappropriate for use as a column. Click and drag blades to where you want it to display. Use the Icons for Sorts and Filters, then when report is as desired use the Update Button to display. Some basic uses and breakdown of the controls area.
Claim Analysis Analyze claim totals by payer. This report allows me to analyze my claims and group the totals for my payers to see who my current working payers are as well as my dollar totals for that payer. By adding blades I can adjust the data that I am looking at. I will pull over my Account # so I can uniquely identify the claims, I also want to see my breakdown by Rendering Provider. I will reorder to see REN Prov, EDI Payer, Account # And UPDATE now using my – sign I can collapse areas to see basic totals. The less blades I Use makes my report faster! Analyze claim totals by payer.
Claim Error Analysis Can use in coordination with Clean Claim Report to analyze Initial uploading errors. This report will show me a breakdown of Claim Errors we received upon initial uploading into the system. Allowing me to point out potential adjustments to make to my uploaded file to negate the errors. I can use this in conjunction with the Clean claim report. Saved Configuration For Facility. Keep in mind multiple errors can appear on an individual claim.
Claim Rejection Analysis This report displays Rejections from the payer. Allowing you to analyze claim submission and point out potential adjustments to make. To decrease the revenue cycle timeframe by submitting clean claims as often as possible. Adding Payer Name to a column blade and Rendering Provider to a row blade allows me to break down the rejects and dollar amounts for specific Payers.
Transaction Analysis Allows the user to analyze their specific Transactions on claims. Drilling into the Transaction lines to break down dollar and count totals based on Procedure Codes. I can take my rendering provider and pull them into the Column Blades area to see this breakout by who is performing the procedure.
Task Manager/Report Manager Access IF Task Manager is not your Home Screen you will want it to be so contact your Provider to assist you with this. The Print Reports Button on the Task Manager screen is a direct link to Search Tools and will display Report Manager EXACTLY as you’d see it there.
Management A great example of a MGMT type report is the Staff productivity report. Shows the staff production. Access to these level of reports is based on the users Security Level. I am at a 5 level so I have Access.
Task Manager: Claim Reports DASHBOARDS MY DASHBOARD Task Manager: Claim Reports For the Dashboards for analyzing claims simply use the MY DASHBOARD Button on your TASK MANAGER Screen. You can change the report being used in each window using the Reports button, as well as adjusting the Customer the reports are referring to by using the Drop Down search. These dashboards are also interactive, via tabs or hoover text. The dashboard will remember your settings for reports and customer after adjustments.
Claim Dashboard Quick reference reporting capability, allowing the user to quickly adapt the report and change displaying information using the tabs provided. Based on the report in use you will have various options, tabs, hover text. The user can change reports using the Reports Button. Initial Rejects, Edifecs is a second layer of Tester edits No need to enter selection criteria.
ERA Manager: ERA Reports Dashboards DASHBOARD ERA Manager: ERA Reports ERA Manager is an additional service that allows you to mange, search, group and work Individual Transactions. To get to the ERA Dashboard first click ERA Manager Button (1) then click the DASHBOARD Button (2). The ERA Dashboard is only for ERA Manager users, ERA Manager is an Optional Service.
ERA Dashboard This being an optional application please contact for questions, I show this because this is how the Claim Dashboard will function in our upcoming release. ERA Manager is an optional feature. This Dashboard view is the same in function and format that you will see in the Claim Dashboard in our upcoming release.
Question and Answer Joined By: Susan Titterington Director of Customer Service and Product Management
Who To Contact Customers Vendors Please contact your vendor with any questions regarding anything covered in this webinar. Contact your Support Representative at Practice Insight with any questions, setup assistance or training needs.