ALL ABOUT THE POMO By: Caydence Harnden
The Pomo's location The north central California Pomo lived in hot climate. The Mendocino Pomo lived in cool climate. The Sonoma Pomo lived in co ld climate. The Lake Counties lived in mild climate.
The Pomo's shelter The Pomo's homes were made of poles. The Pomo's homes were like upside down bowls. The Pomo's unique features of their homes is it fits 10 families in one.
The Pomo's food The Pomos used their natural resources for hunting. They used bow and arrows for hunting birds, deer, and other animals. They carved out meat from a deer to use as a mask to get food.
The Pomo's culture Made baskets They wove the baskets out of plant fibers. Named their dances he or ke. They made blankets out of deer skin.
The Pomo’s weapons They used spears for hunting deer in the woods They used bow and arrows for birds, fish and more
Interesting Facts About The Pomo Pomos spoke 7 different languages The Pomos were famous for making water type baskets that decorated with beads, shells, and feathers. Life was disrupted by mining boom and the introduction of livestock which destroyed plant food.