The Modern Periodic Table
Atomic Radii Atomic Radii – size of the atom Label the smallest and largest atom and add the arrows to the PT in your notes http://Video clip - Reactivity of Alkali Metals
Smallest elements Decreases Increases Largest Elements
Ionization Energy Ionization energy (IE) – the amount of energy it takes to remove an electron from a neutral atom Ion – formed when an atom loses or gains electrons – has a positive or negative charge Label the PT in your notes like to one on the next slide.
Most difficult to remove e- Increases Decreases Easiest to remove e-
Electron Affinity (EA) Ability of an atom to attract electrons Label the PT in your notes like the one on the next slide.
High attraction for e- Increases Decreases Low attraction for e-
Electronegativity (EN) Measure of the ability of an atom in a chemical compound to attract electrons. Fluorine is the most electronegative element Label the PT in your notes like to one on the next slide.
Strong attraction for e- Increases Decreases Low attraction for e-