Sarah Diesburg Operating Systems CS 3430 Final Review Sarah Diesburg Operating Systems CS 3430
Coverage ~70% points based on new lecture material since the last session Non-cumulative section ~30% points for everything Cumulative section
Coverage Many points based on your ability to apply various principles learned in class Especially in cumulative section Nothing directly over coding projects
File Systems and Disk Management Definitions File File header
File Systems and Disk Management Short answers File system components Disk management, naming, protection, reliability Ways to access a file Sequential, random, content-based File usage patterns
File Systems and Disk Management Short answers Disk allocation policies Contiguous, link-list, segment-based, indexed, multilevel indexed, hashed
Naming and Directories Definitions i_node Directory Name collisions Absolute path name Path resolution
Naming and Directories Short answers Different ways to organize a name space Flat name space Hierarchical name space Relational name space Contextual naming Content-based naming
Transactions and Reliability Definitions Metadata fsck Journal Transaction Commit Striping
Transactions and Reliability Short answers Characteristics of a transaction Steps to a transaction RAID levels
Protection and Security Definitions Security Protection Access matrix Access control list Capability list
Protection and Security Short answers Three goals of security confidentiality, data integrity, system availability Three security components authentication, authorization, enforcement Kerberos protocol Public key encryption
Protection and Security Short answers Classes of security problems Eavesdropping, abuse of privilege, imposter, Trojan horse, salami attack, logic bomb, denial-of-service attacks 3-Factor authentication What you are What you have What you know
Distributed File Systems Definitions Stateless protocol Idempotent functions
Distributed File Systems Short answers Design principles of NFS NFS vs. AFS xFS design principles Write consistency models for NFS, AFS, and xFS
Everything CPU scheduling schemes Deadlock resolution techniques Demand paging algorithms Booting sequence Ways to access storage device Address translation schemes
Some Exam-taking Techniques Use bullets instead of complete sentences State what you do know and why existing methods do not work