The WMO Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) According To GAW Station Information System (GAWSIS) GAWSIS is a web-based database system that Describes WMO Member and Contributing partner observatories and their measurement programmes for the global surface-based (in situ, balloon and remote sensing) networks co-ordinated by GAW for the six groups: Ozone, UV, Greenhouse Gases, Aerosols, Selected Reactive Gases (CO, VOCs, NOy, SO2), Precipitation Chemistry as well as meteorological observations. Facilitates data discovery at the 5 GAW World Data Centres Allows access quickly to the GAW observatory information and people responsible by country, WMO region or world wide. Maps GAW stations according to variable measured, type of station, etc. Performance monitoring tool for GAW (see examples on the reverse side) GAWSIS comprehensive on-line data-base | | search | update | inventory | audit | supported by MeteoSwiss and Empa | contacts: and
Examples GAWSIS Statistics GAWSIS STATION REGISTRATION GAW DATA CAPTURE supported by MeteoSwiss and Empa | contacts: and GAWSIS comprehensive on-line data-base | | search | update | inventory | audit | Observatories by Source Observatories by Region and Source Total Column Ozone Capture