EEA Annual Work Programme 2016-17 EEA activities and Eionet cooperation 2nd Eionet NRC workshop on Industrial Pollution Image © Jorge Franganillo
EEA programme structure
Multiannual work programme 2014-2018 Supporting the developing policy framework Strategic Areas Informing policy implementation Assessing systemic challenges Knowledge co-creation, sharing and use EEA management
1: Informing policy implementation
Industrial pollution team
European Topic Centre on Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM) A consortium of 14 European organisations, under contract to EEA. The Netherlands Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is the lead organisation RIVM Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) Umweltbundesamt Wien (UBA-V) Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) Öko-Institute Öko-Recherche Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) Aether Emisia Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques (INERIS) Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (CSIC/IDAEA) 4sfera Innova Universitat Autónoma de Barcalona (UAB) VITO
Delivering the MAWP 2014-2018: Industrial pollution Objective To support and inform policy development and implementation in the area of emissions from industrial sources by means of data, information/indicators and assessments. Specifically: to support countries and companies with existing and future requirements for reporting data on industrial sources to the European Commission and the EEA; to manage efficiently and effectively the annual data-flows related to the Fluorinated Greenhouse gases (F-Gases) and Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Regulations; to support the European Commission and countries by performing data QA/QC activities, preparing summary reports and supporting the respective policy processes. To support the annual EU submission on ODS to the Montreal Protocol; to deliver targeted indicators and cross-cutting assessments identifying the environmental, health, and economic impacts of pollutant releases from industrial facilities to air, water, soil, and in waste, including studies assessing the effectiveness of industrial emissions mitigation policies, costs of pollution from industrial facilities and identifying co-benefits of policy measures in these areas; to identify opportunities for consolidation and streamlining across these and related reporting processes (together with the European Commission, member countries and other partners). Data compilation, quality assurance, dissemination, international reporting (Montreal protocol) (datasets, dataviewers, maps, etc) Policy support – European Commission & Member States, tracking progress to targets, indicators Thematic assessments, cross-cutting activities
Industrial pollution 2016 & 2017 Reporting processes ● European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) ● Large Combustion Plant (LCP) Directive ● Fluorinated gases (F-gases) (company-based reporting) ● Ozone depleting substances (ODS) (company-based reporting) ● Industrial Emissions Directive (establishing) ● Data checking QA/QC feedback to reporters for all of the above Industrial reporting streamlining activities ● assistance with reporting framework for industrial emissions Industrial reporting assessments ● Developing European indicators for industrial pollution ● LCP policy evaluation assessment ● Developing improved methodologies to strengthen European state of the environment reporting for the industry sector ● Linking to EEA colleagues working on resource efficiency, water, chemicals, waste, circular economy Meetings ● 16-17 June Eionet NRCs Industrial pollution
Scheduled Eionet consultations Planned schedule of 2016 consultations with NRCs on industrial pollution October (tbc) Large Combustion Plant indicator – indicator December (tbc) Proposal for a revised indicator on F-gases CLIM048/CSI044 – indicator December Application of the EU ETS Directive in Member States (2015) – report 2017 (tbc) Industrial pollution indicator - environmental pressures to air – indicator Consultation with NRCs for waste but also of relevance to NRCs for Industrial Pollution 23/06-01/09 Assessment of waste incineration capacities - report
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