Matters of Great Worth There are certain matters that are of great worth. They transcend any possible monetary value. While many Americans are enjoying.


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Presentation transcript:

Matters of Great Worth There are certain matters that are of great worth. They transcend any possible monetary value. While many Americans are enjoying unprecedented affluence, they seem to have lost the ability to determine real worth. This sermon challenges our ability to ascertain the real valuable matters. See Luke 12: 15.

God is awesome and without equal (Isa. 46: 5-11). Matters of Great Worth God is awesome and without equal (Isa. 46: 5-11). God is of inestimable worth and value.

The soul of man is of incomparable worth (Matt. 16: 26). Matters of Great Worth The soul of man is of incomparable worth (Matt. 16: 26).

Man’s salvation cannot be materially equated (Matt. 5: 10-12). Matters of Great Worth Man’s salvation cannot be materially equated (Matt. 5: 10-12).

Having a sound local church is priceless (Heb. 10: 25). Matters of Great Worth Having a sound local church is priceless (Heb. 10: 25).

Peace of mind means so much (John 14: 26, 27). Matters of Great Worth Peace of mind means so much (John 14: 26, 27).

Good health is to be highly esteemed (3 John 1, 2). Matters of Great Worth Good health is to be highly esteemed (3 John 1, 2).

A good family is priceless (Eph. 5: 22-6: 4). Matters of Great Worth A good family is priceless (Eph. 5: 22-6: 4). Let us exercise the ability to determine what is of comparative worth and be able to prioritize before we are reduced to real poverty (Rev. 3: 15-17).