Air Pollution NB # 5
What causes Asian Brown Cloud? List three sources of this pollution. Factories Cars Fire What is contained in Asian Brown Cloud? Industrial pollutants Carbon monoxide from vehicle exhausts Particles of soot from burning forests and rural cooking fires
3. How does Asian Brown Cloud affect the people of Asia 3. How does Asian Brown Cloud affect the people of Asia? (list 3 specific events) Blocks 15% of sunlight Creates acid rain Leads to respiratory illnesses 4. How can air pollution prevent plants from doing photosynthesis? Why is this a problem for the people of Asia? 15% of sunlight is blocked which plants need for photosynthesis Crops are reduced so there is less food to feed them
Asian governments can help by: 5. Scientists say that it can be prevented. Describe at least two things that countries could do to reduce or prevent Asian Brown Cloud. Asian governments can help by: Regulating factory pollution Reducing pollution from cars Encouraging the use of modern cooking fuels
Water Pollution NB # 6
What is the major cause of pollution in China’s rivers? Industrial chemicals What has changed in China that has led to all this contamination? Decades of quick economic development How are people in China directly affected by water pollution? Many people suffer from diseases caused by drinking water with high arsenic content like cancer
5. What has led to this pollution increase in India’s rivers? 4. How is water pollution in India different from the pollution in China? The water is polluted more from untreated sewage than factories and economic development 5. What has led to this pollution increase in India’s rivers? Fast growing populations, and old, poorly maintained sewer system 6. How effective have efforts been to clean up the Ganges? 18 years trying to clean up pollution and it has only cleaned it up by 1/3
7. Suppose that you are a government leader in China or India 7. Suppose that you are a government leader in China or India. Describe some steps (at least 3) that your government could take to clean up your country’s river.
Flooding NB # 7
What are the consequences (bad) of monsoon season? What is a monsoon? A seasonal wind that brings rain What are the consequences (bad) of monsoon season? Floods, high temperatures, and clogged canals from garbage Why does India need the monsoon? To provide relief from the high temperatures and water crops 4. Which river in China has killed millions of people and has been nicknamed “China’s Sorrow?” Huang He
5. How does silt affect flooding? High silt content in the river (60% in some places) This causes river to overflow and change course 6. How have the Chinese tried to control the Huang He river? dredging Building higher levees Digging channels Building dams
The Huang He River, China (contains a lot of silt)
Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project
Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project
Pollution in the Ganges River, India