Building Participation & Engaging Diverse Audiences Presented by: Matthew J. Ward, Chairman, Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District (NJ)
Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District (NJ) The Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District (HEPSCD) in Northern NJ is a public subdivision of the State of NJ operating under the NJ Department of Agriculture. The USDA-NRCS, Rutgers University Cooperative Extension, the NJ Department of Environmental Protection and the NJ Association of Conservation Districts are active partners. The HEPSCD serves urban, suburban, and rural counties. The HEPSCD is located 10 miles outside New York City. The counties covered by the HEP Soil Conservation District are some of the most heavily populated and diverse counties in the United States, as the district serves nearly 2 million residents or 22% of New Jersey’s population. The national average for population density is 12 people per square mile. The NJ average is 1200 people per square mile. 11 of the 30 most populated cities in New Jersey are located within the HEPSCD area and 6 of the top 10 most densely populated cities in the U.S. are served by HEPSCD.
HEPSCD Outreach Efforts Rutgers University Veterans Environmental Technology & Solutions (VETS) Program The Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District was awarded $50,000 through the NACD grant for urban agriculture in NJ and is working with the existing Rutgers VETS Program through Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Essex County. The Rutgers VETS program has already oriented 27 veterans in environmental restoration, storm water management and landscaping and are hopeful for an additional 30 graduates in the next year. The Rutgers VETS Program is housed in the Central Ward of Newark, the most populated city in NJ. An active greenhouse and community garden provide access to fresh produce in an underserved community.
HEPSCD Outreach Efforts In Our Urban Core Congressman Donald Payne, Jr. addressing the many successes of the VETS Program in the City of Newark. Rosa Parks Urban Garden with NRCS Soil Scientists in Paterson, NJ
HEPSCD Outreach Efforts In Our Suburban/Rural Core The HEPSCD is working with B&B Organic Waste Recycling Facility in the NJ Highlands Region along with the Town of West Milford and the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to maintain compliance and provide commercial services in this restricted area. Soil stabilization efforts include vegetated berms and onsite storm water management as mandated by the governing agencies. The North Haledon (NJ) Green Team worked with the Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District and the NJ Association of Conservation Districts to obtain plants native to New Jersey which serve as food sources for pollinators. HEPSCD District staff member Janet Rekesius plants shrubs with North Haledon’s Junior Girl Scouts.
HEPSCD Education Outreach Efforts The HEPSCD works with the NJ Department of Agriculture and the NJ Association of Conservation Districts to sponsor the New Jersey Conservation Poster Contest. Schools are encouraged to participate. The HEPSCD along with the NJ Department of Agriculture sponsors the annual NJ Envirothon which is an environmental competition amongst high school students with grants, scholarships and prizes available.
HEPSCD’s Involvement In The Reuse of Land in the Urban Community Former toxic PJP Landfill in Jersey City, NJ smoking and previously inaccessible to the public. HEPSCD worked with closely with all parties in the remediation and revitalization of the land. Redevelopment of the former landfill into the Skyway Golf Course helped enhance the surrounding community directly outside NYC. HEPSCD helped facilitate storm water management and stabilization of the project.
Strategies to Consider in Building a Diverse Audience Adjust and react to local needs of each community. Use all opportunities provided by municipal, county and state agencies. Reach out to leaders of the community through faith-based and government organizations. Educate all communities about the importance of soil and water health through education and grant opportunities. Stress taking pride in the community and surrounding land.
Contact /Agency Information: Matthew J. Ward, HEPSCD Chairman Phone:862-333-4505 E-mail: Special thanks: Dr. Amy Rowe, Ph. D. County Agent II (Associate Professor) & Jan Zientek, Senior Program Coordinator Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Cooperative Extension of Essex and Passaic Counties Joe Lomax, National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) New Jersey Association of Conservation Districts (NJACD) New Jersey Department of Agriculture (NJDA) Hudson Essex Passaic Soil Conservation District Board of Supervisors For additional information, please contact: Matthew D’Alessandro, HEPSCD Assistant Manager 862-333-4505 ext. 313