Becoming a Negotiation Ninja: Negotiating Through Your Career Eloiza Altoro, MS CAE HS-BCP Mind Redesign Consulting July 15, 2016 9:00 – 10:00 AM
PRESENTATION OUTCOMES Understand the key factors that influence the outcomes of negotiations. Identify techniques to leverage your skills during interviews and negotiations. Learn tactics for common negotiation-related roadblocks and other unique challenges faced during C-Suite recruitment. Increase knowledge and confidence related to negotiating ones career.
Source: What is negotiation? Bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict. Source:
Why are good negotiation skills important? Creates conditions for a win-win relationship Build, maintain, and improve important workplace relationships Establish credibility/boundaries with an employer Reach agreements, find solutions to tough problems, and keep work moving ahead more easily and with less effort Achieve important goals and get what you need and want Candidates who negotiate generally earn much more than those who don't A well-thought-out negotiation makes you look like a stronger candidate -- and employee
Case Scenario #1 You are actively seeking an executive level position in an association. During the interview process… What do you do to prepare for the interview? What do you do to give yourself an “advantage” during the interview process? What is the most interesting/challenging part of the interview process?
Negotiating Tips – The Interview Research, Research Research!!! The more you know about the company, the more of an advantage you will have. Create a winning mind set It is who you know!! Have a list of prepared questions, even if you do not ask them. Don't talk money/benefits too early Avoid the salary requirement trap
Case Scenario #2 You are actively seeking an executive level position in an association. You have completed the interview process and have been offered the position… What is most/least important to you about a job? How do you prioritize during negotiations? What type of questions do you ask? What is non-negotiable to you? When and why would you hire an outside negotiator? If you could do something different in your next negotiation, what would it be?
Negotiating Tips – The Offer Know your value Know your threshold - What you want and don’t want Quid Pro Quo Fear Factor – Don’t be afraid to ask It is ok to negotiate even after the offer Conduct salary research Use company research and inside information Ask to talk to others
Negotiating Tips – After The Offer Be enthusiastic about the offer Be confident Be patient - Wait for their offer Be quiet - Wait for their response!! Be realistic Don’t get emotional Don’t settle Everything is negotiable unless they say otherwise Be prepared to walk away Get it in writing!!
What can be negotiated? Compensation Benefits Base salary increase Signing bonus Quarterly/annual bonus Benefits Health and medical/Cafeteria plan (including spouse and dependent coverage) Disability (401(k)/Pension Life insurance Stock option Executive coaching/mentoring Paid time off Corporate credit card/expense account Incentives Cell phone Company car/Transportation/Parking Relocation expenses Travel Telecommuting/Flex schedule
Hiring a third party negotiator Who is the client? What will the employer think? Is it worth the money? What will my role be in the process? What style do they use in negotiating? What is the time and availability of the vendor? What outcome do I expect?
Negotiating Resources The New CEO’s Guide: Advice for the First-time, Aspiring, or Current Association Executive by Beth Brooks, CAE The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels by Michael Watkins Chaos for Breakfast: Practical Advice and Humor for Non-profit Executives by Robert A. Hall Interviewing Techniques Resources Developed by Sterling Martin Associates (SMA) ASAE Executive Recruiter list CEO Headquarters ASAE Collaborate/CEO Network Listserv