Guided Reading November, 2011 In-Service
What is Guided Reading? Guided Reading offers small-group support and explicit teaching to help students take on more challenging texts. As students read texts that are organized along a gradient of difficulty, they expand their systems of strategic actions by meeting the demands of increasingly complex texts. Students provide evidence of their thinking through oral reading, talk, and extension through writing. Fountas & Pinnell, The Continuum of Literacy Learning,2007
System of Strategic Actions Wheel
Guided Reading is Part of a Balanced Literacy Program Reading Aloud Shared Reading (Making Meaning/Making Meaning Vocabulary) Guided Reading Word Study (Fundations, Fountas & Pinnell, or Spelling Connections) Independent Reading (IDR) Model Writing (BAW) Independent Writing (BAW)
Balanced Literacy Follows the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model “I DO” (Direct Instruction) Read Aloud Shared Reading (MM & BAW) Model Writing (BAW) Word Study “WE DO” (Guided Practice) Guided Reading “YOU DO” (Independent Practice) Independent Reading (IDR) Independent Writing (BAW)
Characteristics of Guided Reading Teacher works with small groups of children (4-6). Book selections are based on student needs rather than content area themes. Each child reads the entire text, not just parts like “round-robin” or “popcorn” reading.
Characteristics of Guided Reading Continued The emphasis is on reading many books with increasing levels of difficulty while focusing on strategies. Ongoing assessment drives instruction. Assessments may include: running records, teacher observations, anecdotal records.
More Characteristics of Guided Reading Students are grouped and regrouped based on their demonstrated needs. Groups should be fluid. The goal is for students to read independently and silently so they can interact with texts. Students are taught to problem solve using strategies they have learned. When appropriate, teachers should incorporate the strategies currently being taught in whole group lessons. Discuss moving beyond initial assessment- not having students stay in the same group all year
Guided Reading in Grades K-2 Leveled texts that can be read in one session are typically used. Emphasis is more often on strategic actions within the text. Solving words Monitoring and correcting Searching for and using information Summarizing Developing fluency Strategic actions beyond the text and about the text are also taught as appropriate. Refer to wheel, beyond and about the text actions shouldn’t be ignored, just not the focus
Guided Reading in Grades 3 - 5 Leveled texts can be read independently as well as during group time. Emphasis is more often on strategic actions beyond the text and about the text. Predicting Making connections Synthesizing Inferring Analyzing Critiquing Strategies within the text are also taught as appropriate. Literature circles and strategy groups can function as guided reading groups when students are independently applying the appropriate strategic actions.
When should guided reading begin? For beginning readers, guided reading should start as soon as students begin to understand some early literacy concepts such as: Sense of how a story works Understanding that print carries meaning A limited sight vocabulary Some basic print concepts For independent readers, small group instruction should begin as soon as reading needs and levels are determined. Individual conferences should begin as soon as IDR routines are established.
RTSD Expectations for Guided Reading Students should be reading materials at their independent or instructional level at some point every day Teachers will meet with small groups and/or confer individually with students every day
Meeting with Students at Different Levels Students who are reading below grade level should be met with daily, either in teacher-led small groups, reading support small groups or individual conferences with the teacher Students who are reading on grade level should be met with 2 to 3 times per week in small groups or individual conferences Students who are reading above grade level should be met with 1 to 2 times per week in small groups or individual conferences
Plan for the remainder of our session Watch and discuss video examples of guided reading Explore The Continuum of Literacy Learning Opportunities for lesson planning, time permitting