Presented by ebiqity group @ UMBC Nov, 2004 Swoogle Demo @ ISWC 2004 Presented by ebiqity group @ UMBC Nov, 2004 Swoogle is a research project being carried out by the ebiquity research group in the CSEE Department at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Partial research support was provided by DARPA contract F30602-00-0591 and by NSF by awards NSF-ITR-IIS-0326460 and NSF-ITR-IDM-0219649.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Swoogle Demo (Nov, 2004, ISWC) Demo Plan About Swoogle Swoogle is a metadata and search engine for the semantic web. It discovers, digests, and analyzes semantic web documents. It helps users to find, browse and use ontologies in the Semantic Web. Find Ontologies (Swoogle Search) 1 Digest Ontology doc view term view 2 Find Terms (Ontology Dictionary) 3 Digest Term Class Properties Instance properties 4 5 Browse Term index Swoogle Statistics Swoogle Today SWD per website 6 Go to swoogle website: Find ontology: Select “Documents” (it is selected by default) Select “ontology only” (it is selected by default) Type some keywords Click search button Note: we search ontologies by the lexemes (atom words, i.e. can not be split into to words, e.g. SeaFood has two lexemes: sea and food) of their vocabulary. All the keywords should be in some of the local names of the URI references of a searched ontology. Figure 1. Swoogle architecture Issues Data Independence Mismatch: namespace & ontology Open ontology engineering env. 7 Ontology Rank Swoogle’s top 10 8 Submit URL Figure 2. Semantic Web Concepts
1 Find Ontologies by keywords Select “Documents” (it is selected by default) Select “ontology only” (it is selected by default) Type some keywords Click search button Search Semantics The vocabulary of an ontology O is a set of local names of URI references used by O. We search for ontologies whose vocabulary contains all the keywords. Keyword should be atomic, i.e. it can not be split, e.g. SeaFood contains two keywords: sea and food.
2 Digest Ontology (Document view)
2 Digest Ontology (Term view)
3 Find Terms (Ontology Dictionary) Search Semantics Lowercased! By default, we look for terms local name exactly matches the query keyword. More constraints can be specified with prefix. Lowercased!
Digest Term “Person” 4
Term Metadata: An integrated definition 4 A Term has two types of metadata Class Properties: those properties that modifies/annotates a class/property and can not be inherited to subclasses. (Instance) Properties: facets of a class, the properties used with instances. (instance) property P of class C can be collected by: ontologies. triples like (P rdfs:domain C) Instances: triples like (_X rdf:type C) & (_X P _Y) Class Definition rdfs:subClassOf -- foaf:Agent rdfs:label – “Person” Properties (from SWO) foaf:mbox foaf:name foaf:name foaf:mbox rdfs:domain Onto 1 Properties (from SWI) foaf:name dc:title foaf:name rdf:type “Tim Finin” SWD3 owl:Class rdf:type “Person” rdfs:label foaf:Agent rdfs:subClassOf Onto 2 foaf:Person
4 Digest Term “Person”
5 Browse Term index
6 Swoogle Statistics (Swoogle Today) Swoogle Today summarizes the current status of Swoogle database
6 Swoogle Statistics (Semantic Web Document per Website) Google estimate shows the amount of URLs which are highly possible SWDs reported by google search. However, google only return the first 1000 results. This report is dynamically generated based on the latest data, and it will take 5 to 10 seconds.
7 Swoogle’s Top 10 ) Swoogle use PageRank like algorithm to rank semantic web documents. Well-known ontologies are highly ranked. This report is dynamically generated based on the latest data, and it will take 5 to 10 seconds.
8 Submit your ontology to Swoogle When you can’t find your ontologies in Swoogle, it may be the case that your ontologies are not indexed by swoogle yet. Please submit it and increase its visibility. When your query fails From site map