MIWP Action 2016.5 ”Priority List of E-Reporting Datasets” 7th INSPIRE MIG meeting – Brussels, 7.12.2017 MIWP Action 2016.5 ”Priority List of E-Reporting Datasets” Progress and Outlook Jose Miguel Rubio (EEA) On behalf of 2016.5 Co-Chairs (Stefan Jensen and Joeri Robbrecht)
Context Monitoring and Reporting under environmental acquis as a priority use case for developing pan-European products building on INSPIRE. (Rolling) List of priority datasets for e-Reporting identified following Fitness Check evaluation of environmental reporting. Starting point for a consistent mapping of reporting datasets to INSPIRE spatial objects Extension of the list to be expected beyond environmental domains (e.g. Reference data) Key aspect is to ensure a cross-cutting impact of this exercise across different Directives, maximising the reuse of INSPIRE datasets in reporting obligations Need to work on usage domains (Biodiversity and Nature, Emissions...) to optimise this impact INSPIRE maturity and digital readiness to be assessed and documented An important contribution to the Action Plan on streamlining environmental reporting, applying the “once-only” principle on underlying INSPIRE geospatial datasets The involvement of those working in reporting at MS level is essential for success Note that this action does NOT change existing legal provisions or deadlines of INSPIRE Directive
MIWP 2016.5 subgroup Temporary MIG sub-group (including INSPIRE and EIONET experts) Coordination by EC-ENV and EEA Scope of the sub-group is in a nutshell to: Further develop and clarify the list of datasets related to environmental reporting Support MS in making the priority datasets accessible through INSPIRE infrastructure Set up a platform to exchange MS experiences and provide feedback on conceptual mapping and proposals for stramlining ROs It is NOT in the scope of the group to: Develop proposals to amend existing reporting obligations Amend INSPIRE IR/TGs Meetings: Kick Off Meeting in Kehl (DE) back-to-back to the INSPIRE Conference (4 September 2017) 2nd Meeting in Copenhagen (DK) back-to-back to the NRC-EIS meeting (23 November 2017)
MIWP 2016.5 Work Programme 2017-2021 4 Core Tasks: T1: Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets T2: Make data available as-is: identify datasets, document metadata, make metadata and data available on the EU geoportal by providing network services T3: Discuss common and interoperable European data models per reporting obligation/data flow that are fit for purpose for the envisaged use case. T4: Monitor the availability of pan-European datasets
Progress and outlook per task T1: Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets Current version (1.2) available on the wiki (here). The list is now being further analysed to facilitate the identification and publication of the datasets “as-is” by MS: EEA with support of UBA (AT) working on a more detailed version of the list that specifies further the reporting datasets to be identified by MS. Issues detected: Need to clarify some INSPIRE datasets are actually reported several times under different ROs How to deal with different reporting periods for the same INSPIRE dataset One reported dataset but several (regional or national) INSPIRE datasets An updated version of the list to be delivered in Jan 2018 taking into account MS issues and concerns: Sweden (many datasets in the list are reported several times under ROs; other ROs do not contain spatial datasets) The Netherlands (some datasets are not reported by MS) Outcomes from the EIONET survey launched by EEA (focused only on ECDF)
Progress and outlook per task T1: Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets Detailed datasets behind each PDS entry, frequency of reporting and link to other reporting obligations Reporting guidelines, data formats, additional comments INSPIRE Theme, Metadata tag, possible issues Proposed refinements on the list by UBA/EEA
Progress and outlook per task T1: Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets Current version (1.2) available on the wiki (here). The list is now being further analysed to facilitate the identification and publication of the datasets “as-is” by MS: EEA with support of UBA (AT) working on a more detailed version of the list that specifies further the reporting datasets to be identified by MS. Issues detected: Need to clarify some INSPIRE datasets are actually reported several times under different ROs How to deal with different reporting periods for the same INSPIRE dataset One reported dataset but several (regional or national) INSPIRE datasets An updated version of the list to be delivered in Jan 2018 taking into account MS issues and concerns: Sweden (many datasets in the list are reported several times under ROs; other ROs do not contain spatial datasets) The Netherlands (some datasets are not reported by MS) Outcomes from the EIONET survey launched by EEA (focused only on ECDF)
Progress and outlook per task T1: Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets Each entry in the current PDS list can be more than one actual dataset Some entries need to be renamed more accurately Proposed refinements on the list by SE (A. O. Ryden)
Progress and outlook per task T2: Make available datasets as-is Experiences shared by several MS (IT, NL, SK, SE) in order to compile methodologies and good practices for reuse by other MS. Agreed to identify PDS through metadata tagging with keywords. Methodology proposed by JRC based on a controlled code-list available in the INSPIRE Registry (here) Subgroup to provide comments on the code-list by 8 December More details in the next presentation from Robert Tomas (JRC) Agreement to start piloting the metadata tagging focusing first on the Biodiversity and Nature datasets (as detailed analysis by UBA is already available) Tagging to follow-up the other PDS as UBA analysis is extended to the whole list by January An audio conference to be organised with the group to review the final reviewed PDS list by early February All PDS proposed to be identified, tagged and made available by 15 May 2018 (see Roadmap)
Progress and outlook per task T3: Common and interoperable European data models per reporting obligation/data flow Task not yet addressed directly by the sub-group. Stepwise approach to be agreed upon and worked through in 2018. Ongoing work in CDDA, EU Registry on Industrial Emissions by thematic units in EEA/ENV Upon request of thematic communities, the subgroup will be represented in technical domain workgroups on eReporting and provide INSPIRE implementation support. Also need to link to discussions under upcoming Reportnet 3.0 project (e-Reporting reusing INSPIRE) T4: Monitor the availability of pan-European datasets Thematic Viewer (JRC) facilitating monitoring and simplifying access to MS priority datasets Viewer in the field of Biodiversity and Nature already available: http://inspire-geoportal.ec.europa.eu/thematicviewer/ Current development is ready to be adapted in order to monitor tagged PDS (see T2) As a generic application, the viewer can easily be extended to other thematic areas More details on this activity in the presentation from Robert Tomas (JRC)
Roadmap for 2018 Q1 2018 T1 – Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets An updated version of the list including details from UBA/EEA and SE analysis Updated INSPIRE Registry code list for environmental priority data sets following feedback by MS T2 - Make data available as-is Pilot conclusions of the tagging of Biodiversity and Natura datasets MS to make priority reporting data sets available “as-is” T3 – Common and Interoperable European data models Analysis for agreed policy domains T4 – Monitor the availability of pan-European datasets Further develop thematic viewer application to support download and visualisation of data. Webex meeting to review of the final list in early February 3rd (virtual) subgroup meeting on second half of March
Roadmap for 2018 Q2 2018 T2 - Make data available as-is All priority reporting data sets are made available by MS “as-is”. 15 May 2018 deadline: INSPIRE monitoring report including the implementation progress of priority reporting data sets. T3 – Common and Interoperable European data models Analysis for agreed policy domains T4 – Monitor the availability of pan-European datasets Thematic viewer application is publicly accessible on the condition that the offering of priority data sets is acceptable across Member States. 4th subgroup meeting F2F MIG-T meeting: progress report, discussion of proposals and validation of outcomes June 8th MIG: state of implementation of the list by Member States, progress report and validation of outcomes
Roadmap for 2018 Q3 2018 T1 – Manage and update the priority list of e-Reporting datasets Updated version including more detailed data sets from analysed domains T2 - Make data available as-is Review of implementation progress T3 – Common and Interoperable European data models Analysis for agreed policy domains T4 - Monitor the availability of pan-European datasets Further develop thematic viewer application (integration with INSPIRE knowledge base, INSPIRE dashboard, Monitoring & Reporting process …). 5th subgroup meeting at 2018 INSPIRE Conference (BE)
Roadmap for 2018 Q4 2018 T3 – Common and Interoperable European data models Analysis for agreed policy domains T4 - Monitor the availability of pan-European datasets New version thematic viewer application 6th subgroup meeting F2F MIG-T meeting: progress report, discussion of proposals and validation of outcomes December 9th MIG: state of implementation of the list by Member States, progress report and validation of outcomes
Conclusions and recap of next steps (I) There is a clear potential of harvesting benefits from this activity in the short-term (“low hanging fruits”) It will facilitate the creation of pan-European applications based on INSPIRE datasets Offers the opportunity to improve implementation (metadata and services especially, later on also on data interoperability) This activity can only succeed if complemented with MS efforts. MS are invited on a voluntary basis and by 15/05/18 (next monitoring round) to: Identify the priority datasets where possible Tag the dataset MD with the appropriate PDS keyword (and ensure the MD is available through the Geoportal!) Work with JRC to ensure the datasets are found by the Thematic Viewer(s) Progress in the implementation of network services (especially download)
Conclusions and recap of next steps (II) On our side, the INSPIRE Coordination Team will: Follow up in writing with some technical clarifications raised by the subgroup by January at the latest Test the proposed new monitoring indicator on priority datasets Improve the Thematic Viewer (and publish once a critical mass of datasets are available) Explore the development of the priority list beyond environmental domain Report back to MIG on the progress in this exercise
Thank You! Jose Miguel Rubio (EEA) 7th INSPIRE MIG meeting – Brussels, 7.12.2017 Thank You! Jose Miguel Rubio (EEA) jose.rubio@eea.europa.eu