Junior Road Safety Officers 2017/2018
Our involvement with the JRSO Program This is the second year that our school has been involved in the Junior Road Safety Officer program. We have really enjoyed working together as part of a team.
Getting our messages into the community As well as doing presentations to the school we have also made posters that have gone up in the local JET Garage. As well as displaying our various posters, they also included our “Be Safe Be Seen” message in their internal newsletter. We also sent an article to three local newspapers sharing our “Be Safe Be Seen” message.
Raising awareness and money We had a stall at our Christmas Fair where we displayed the winning entries to our Be Safe Be Seen competition. We also sold cakes and glow sticks. The money we raised went to the East Anglian Air Ambulance. They thanked us with a certificate.
Speed Awareness and The Physics of Speed In February we wrote to all the parents reminding them to drive at safe speeds especially at this time of the year when the sun can make it difficult to see easily due to it’s low position which can cause a glare. We attached to our letter some examples of what to look out for whilst driving and “The Physics of Speed”.
Making the road outside our school safer Mr Goldson from Suffolk County Council visited us at our school. We had a very informative meeting with him and we learnt a lot about the various different speed cameras in use around our area. As a result of that we wrote to our Parish Council asking them if they could help us get a speed awareness pole to be placed outside our school.
Cycle Helmet Importance Now that the weather has brightened up, more people are cycling and scooting to school. We wanted to inform everyone that wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injuries. Being part of the Junior Road Safety Officer team has improved our confidence as before we would have been too nervous to perform our presentation in front of the whole school and afterwards to parents.
Future Presentations In June we plan to give a presentation to the school highlighting the importance of crossing roads safely. In July we would like to give a presentation focusing on “Stranger Danger” when making journeys outside of school before everyone breaks up for the summer holidays. In November our school will take part in the Brake Road Safety Week.
Our year in reflection We have enjoyed being Junior Road Safety Officers because it has given us confidence to speak in front of people. It has been enjoyable to share messages to our school, parents and the community as a whole. Thank you for listening.