Emerging Professionals: Step Up, Take Charge & Own It The Truth About Leadership For those who lead & those who want to take charge of their careers
Setting the Stage…
Truth One: You Can Make a Difference Believe that you can have a positive impact on others Believe in yourself Embrace the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model the Way Inspire a Shared Vision Challenge the Process Enable Others to Act Encourage the Heart
Truth Two: Credibility is the Foundation of Leadership What is Credibility? Trust and Belief Words vs. Actions Practice what you Preach Why is it Important? Follow – If we believe Give – Time, Talent, Energy, Engage Leadership Expectations Honesty Forward-Looking Inspiring Competence
Truth Three: Values Drive Commitment Know what you stand for and believe in Is there a fit with your organization’s values Credible leaders listen to the needs and desires of others Leadership is a relationship Built on mutual understanding
Truth Four: Focusing on the Future Sets Leaders Apart Capacity to imagine and articulate exciting possibilities Inspire your team to focus on future possibilities Reflect back on the past to see the future clearly Take – Time – To – Think (at least 30 minutes to a couple hours a day)
Truth Five: You Can’t Do it Alone No leader achieves the extraordinary without the talent and support of others Leadership is a team sport Leadership is a shared responsibility Leaders ask questions, listen, provide support Leaders ask for help
Behave Predictably & Consistently Treat Promises Seriously Truth Six: Trust Rules Behave Predictably & Consistently Communicate Clearly Treat Promises Seriously Be Forthright & Candid TRUST Trust is earned Without trust nothing will be accomplished Trust is the social glue that holds everything together TRUTH FORMULA
Truth Seven: Challenge is the Crucible for Greatness Great Leaders are associated with changing the status quo Leaders guide people through uncertainty, hardship, disruption, transformation, transition, recovery, new beginnings, other significant challenges No one ever got anything extraordinary done by keeping things the same Embrace the challenge Control what you can and take charge of change Learn from failure (less than the success you had in mind)
Truth Eight: You either Lead by Example or You Don’t Lead at All Model behavior based on values Walk the talk – not just talk the talk Put your money where your mouth is Actions speak louder than words DWYSYWD – Promise Keeper People are always watching
Truth Nine: The Best Leaders are the Best Learners Leaders are constant improvement fanatics and learning is the master Takes time and attention; practice and feedback; coaching and willingness to ask for support Leadership skills can be learned (not all learn it or master it) Takes continuous person investment, time, deliberate practice goal setting, open to feedback (strengths/weakness) Leaders believe in themselves
Truth Ten: Leadership is an Affair of the Heart What is the heart? Vital organ Muscle that pumps blood throughout the body Where our emotions & desires dwell High Performing Leaders… Care about meeting the needs of others Look for the good and focus on strengths Compassionate Encouraging Positive Without “heart” there is… No trust & support No integrity & honor No commitment & conviction No hope & faith No learning & growth
And the Journey Continues…