The cloud for IT Professionals Introduction by Simon May, Microsoft
Agenda – Morning Windows Intune Technical Overview Mark Parris, MVP Introduction to the Windows Azure platform Steve Plank, Microsoft Making Azure Relevant to your Organisation Simon May, Microsoft Connecting your Public and Private Clouds with ADFS Every Cloud has an Orange Lining: How easyJet is making cloud work Andy Caddy, Bert Craven, easyJet
Agenda – Afternoon An Overview of Office 365 Brett Johnson, Microsoft Exchange Online Lync Online Daryl Gwyn, Microsoft How SharePoint can Improve the Way your Business Works Myles Jeffery, Office 365 MVP CloudBusiness Name
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But first
What you’ve told us about cloud 7% are very familiar with cloud technology CONFIDENCE IN YOUR KNOWLAGE OF CLOUD WHAT STAGE IS YOUR ORGANISATION AT WITH CLOUD COMPUTING 78% of organisations are doing more than discussing how cloud computing affects their organisation 45% of respondents think cloud will let them add more value in less time DO MORE IN LESS TIME THINK THE CLOUD WON’T CHANGE THINGS? 4% Don’t think cloud will change things 48% in a private or public setting ORGANISATIONS USING IaaS [twitter] 7% of IT Pros have confidence with cloud tech but 78% or orgs are doing more than just talking [/twitter]
Private KEEP OFF! Open!
What is a cloud? The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction. This cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics, three service models, and four deployment models. The NIST Definition of Cloud Computing [twitter] clouds are on-demand, shared, rapidly provisioned and released computing resources [/twitter] On demand always there when you need it, when you want more there is more resource available….like an driving a car up a hill you need the engine to have all the power you need to get up the hill, you don’t want to run out half way Shared used by more than one group to achieve the outcome they need Rapidly provisioned and released realism of on demand is that resources need to be made available quickly and easily and ciritically recovered quickly to minimise cost Promotes availability Availability is about uptime, but it’s also about a ubiquitous service that’s available where it’s needed and when it’s needed
Private? The cloud infrastructure is operated solely for an organization. It may be managed by the organization or a third party and may exist on premise or off premise. [twitter] private clouds are clouds operated solely for an organisation[/twitter] What’s a private cloud? Well again we have definition provided by the same body Operated solely for an orgnaisation that means that you have exclusive use of the infrastructure…how can that be part of the cloud definition of shared? It’s because it’s shared between users within an organisation, often we talk about application owners but you could think in terms of departments Exist on or off premise perhaps you have a need not to grow your data center so you place some servers into the data center of a 3rd party who maintains that for you, that’s still a private cloud because it’s used only by your company
Public? The cloud infrastructure is made available to the general public or a large industry group and is owned by an organization selling cloud services. [twitter] public clouds are shared with the general public or large industry group [/twitter] available to the general public or a large industry group essentially in a public cloud you are sharing the cloud resources with other people, who hopefully have different requirements to your own. With similar business intentions you can share the burden and trust that, say regulatory compliance guidelines are being met. This is good because it reduces cost, but can also increase security because they might have more resources than you to do a better job. With disimilar business intentions you get the benefit of multiple workloads not peaking at the same time Corrination vs EasyJet
1 Square Foot
100 Square Feet
1000 Square Feet
10,000 Square Feet
303,000 Square Feet
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