Bell Work: Examine the below quote from Pres. Roosevelt. “We have two problems: First, to meet the immediate distress; second, to build up a basis of permanent employment. As to immediate relief, the first principle is that this nation, this national government if you like, owes a positive duty that no citizen shall be permitted to starve. In addition to providing emergency relief, the federal government should and must provide temporary work wherever that is possible.” What do you think about the quoted area highlighted in red. Write down 2 thoughts & be ready to discuss. What role would government play in his plan?
A New President & a new deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) 1933-1945 Felt gov. had to take an active role in helping the economy recover During campaign he created a program focused on relief, recovery, and reform The First New Deal
FDR Gets to Work FDR inaugurated March 4th, Congressional session started March 9th and ended mid-June Called the “100 Days” Fireside Chats - communicated directly with the public through radio broadcasts in which he explained his policies in a warm casual style
The First 100 Days Protection of Gold: 1933 Banking Act (Glass Steagall) which required banks insured deposits Bank Legislation: Emergency banking act authorizing gov. to inspect banks health Inaugural Address: We have nothing to fear but fear itself! Bank Holiday: a temporary shutdown of all banks & only banks in good shape allowed to reopen Budget Message: restoring confidence & fueling spending
The First New Deal - programs FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Agency) – Provided federal money for relief projects to the roughly 13 million unemployed PWA (Public Works Administration) – Created jobs by having people build public works, such as highways and bridges AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Administration) – Regulated farm production and promoted soil conservation CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) – Hired young men to work on other conservation projects, such as planting trees FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) – Protected money of depositors in insured banks NRA (National Recovery Administration) – Regulated industry and raised wages and prices
The Second New Deal - programs Programs focused more on social reform: WPA (Works Project Administration) – Established national works programs to create jobs REA (Rural Electrification Administration) – Brought electricity to rural areas Wagner Act – Protected labor’s right to form unions and set up a board to hear labor disputes Social Security Administration – Provided pensions, insurance and retirement benefits for the elderly, unemployed and disabled
Legacies of the New Deal New agencies cause expansion of Federal gov. The Federal gov. takes a larger role in social reform instead of State & Local gov. Power of Executive Branch increased FDR proposed more bills & programs than any other President before him
Roosevelt’s Reelection Roosevelt was reelected in 1936 Business leaders did not want Roosevelt reelected because they felt the gov. was gaining too much power at their expense Roosevelt had a huge group of working class American supporters who overpowered the business leaders
FDR & the Supreme Court Most of the 9 justices didn’t support FDR’s reforms They felt FDR’s reform had given the federal gov. too much economic control FDR proposed a bill that would add 6 more justices As president, he’d get to nominate(chose) them Congress voted it down saying it interfered with the system of checks and balances
The Decline of the New Deal The economy would not recover until the US entered WWII He was wrong – The economy fell Which reduced the New Deal Programs FDR reduced spending Believing the economy had recovered Wanting to reduce the deficit The Decline of the New Deal One problem with FDR’s New Deal its relying on deficit spending for funding Deficit Spending: using borrowed money to fund government programs
Eleanor Roosevelt As first lady she brought power to women Fought for human rights, child welfare, and equal rights for women and minorities One of the most influential women of the 20th century