The Whiskey Rebellion tax on whiskey for war debts whiskey made from leftover grain… so grain farmers had another source of income protests got out of hand & violent seen as a challenge to the power of the new government FIRST TIME U.S. USES ARMED FORCES AGAINST ITS OWN PEOPLE MESSAGE: The U.S. will use force to maintain order explanation from a high school project:
Battle of Fallen Timbers & The Treaty of Greenville Britain & Spain were encouraging Native Americans to oppose U.S. settlers w/ their backing treaties were signed, but U.S. settlers kept coming & ignored the agreements St. Claire SAME Wayne fought N.A. led by Little Turtle generals fought N.A. led by Blue Jacket lost to N.A. (worst defeat) fought N.A. defeated N.A., ended NW Terr.War these battles led to rise of Tecumseh see interactive map in book online Battle of Fallen Timbers & The Treaty of Greenville took place near present day Toledo, Ohio near Ft. Miami (a British Fort) N.A. thought the forest with all its fallen trees would be hard for Americans to fight in Wayne’s fighting tactics proved them wrong (he used ROMAN-style legions) N.A. tried to retreat to Ft. Miami, but the British would not let them in (fearing war w/ U.S.) Treaty: N.A. lost their land in Southern, Central, and Eastern Ohio, but stayed in Northwest Ohio + N.A. were given $20,000 direct & simple explanation from a middle school teacher: detailed information from a high school teacher:
Proclamation of Neutrality Support... American inspired = Noble fight against royal tyranny Established a Constitutional Monarchy - (which will eventually fail) created the “Déclaration des droits de l'homme et du citoyen” which means “Declaration of the rights of Man and the Citizen” - like our “Bill of Rights” Liberté, égalité, fraternité = Liberty, Equality, Fraternity Oppose... A revolution gone wrong… The Reign of Terror - those who opposed the revolution were killed. Around 15,000 people were executed by guillotine & another 25,000 were killed by other means or died in war prisons Proclamation of Neutrality America is neutral in the war between Britain & France no American can fight on either side of the war no British or French warships can dock in American ports until the war is over
British impressment British captured American sailors and forced them to serve in the British Navy Causes Treaty Effects British forts in NW Territory British Impressment Jay’s Treaty averted war with Britain British left American soil divided U.S. gov’t Spanish blocked Americans from sailing the Mississippi River taxed Americans trade in New Orleans Pinckney’s Treaty Southern Border of U.S. free navigation of Mississippi tax-free trade in New Orleans new land A rap… by high school students… about Jay’s Treaty detailed information from a high school teacher about Pinckney’s Treaty:
Warnings and advice for the future Washington’s Farewell Address Warnings and advice for the future avoid forming political parties (in book) use debt as sparingly as possible - it’s the people’s money avoid permanent alliances with foreign countries (in book) keep the states unified for peace at home - avoid sectionalism be sure to keep freedom of religion - morality is important when voting trust, follow, and defend the Constitution checks and balances + separation of powers work better than violent protests future generations should be educated - there is power in an informed voter video about W’s farewell by high school students: