Retailing and Wellness Evaluations
Why start with a Wellness Evaluation? Understand Club member’s current habits: Diet Exercise Water intake Set goals together Encourage daily consumption of Herbalife® products Encourage better eating habits and physical activity Wellness Evaluations are a perfect place to start a new Club member on the path to living healthier through a balanced diet, regular exercise and drinking plenty of water. A Wellness Evaluation will help you understand your Club member’s current habits, so that together you can set wellness goals that can be monitored and achieved through daily consumption at the Club as well as through regular product use at home.
Setting Up Your Wellness Evaluation Time spent: About 10m. Setting Up Your Wellness Evaluation Confirm it is first-time wellness evaluation Schedule appointment Offer products to drink Review Wellness brochure Build rapport When setting up a Wellness Evaluation, first confirm that the Club member or customer has not had a wellness evaluation before. Then schedule an appointment with the Club member. It can either be during Club hours or separate from the Club, for example at the member’s home. Be sure to arrive early. When you start the evaluation session, offer the customer something to drink: put Aloe, Tea or Shake in their hand in the first 30 seconds. Bring a copy of the Wellness brochure so you can review the importance of a balanced diet, exercise and drinking plenty of water. Be friendly and build rapport by sharing your story. Wellness can be a sensitive topic for some people, so sharing personal experiences related to nutrition goals can help put them at ease.
Personal Wellness Questionnaire Time spent: About 5-7 m. Personal Wellness Questionnaire Weigh and measure Ask questions about daily diet, exercise and water intake Get as specific as possible Complete the Personal Wellness Questionnaire that is included in the Wellness brochure. Enter their weight and measurements. You will use this information to calculate their Body Mass Index. There’s a very simple formula for this inside the Wellness brochure. If someone is uncomfortable with their measurements and doesn’t want to see their results, you can offer to do a blind weigh in. Go through the questions to examine what they eat and how much water they drink. Go through their entire day asking what they eat and drink at each meal. Ask about their exercise routine and energy level throughout the day. Find out what time they wake up and go to bed, and what time they usually eat. Get as specific as possible. Make sure they know that you are a wellness coach and are here to support them. Let them know this is just a starting point and you are going to support and help them all the way through their health goal journey.
INCLUDE THESE 3 SIMPLE RULES Time spent: About 12-14m. Explain the Results Write the total protein number and water intake, then circle it. Divide up protein for meals and snacks. Highlight snack and meal options they like. Make sure the Customer is clear on how to use the program they are taking home. Examine your customer’s responses and explain the results using the Wellness brochure as a guide. Write at the bottom of the sheet the total protein number and water intake and circle it. Divide up protein for the meals and snacks. Design a program with snack and meal options. This will take some practice, so be sure to observe wellness evaluations with your Sponsor. Make sure the customer is clear on how to use the program they are taking home and highlight snacks and meal options they like. Write 3 Rules on sheet Eat 30-45mn after waking up, or sooner. Eat every 2.5-3 hours until bed. Make sure they meet your requirements of protein and water during the day. INCLUDE THESE 3 SIMPLE RULES Eat 30-45 minutes after waking up or sooner. Eat some protein every 2.5 – 3 hours until bedtime. Make sure to meet your daily protein and water requirements.
Retailing the products Time spent: About 10m. Retailing the products “Based on the goals you have, and the timeline you want to achieve them in, this is what I’d recommend for you” To introduce the products that can help your customer with their wellness goals, use a transition sentence like “Based on the goals you have, and the timeline you want to achieve them in, this is what I’d recommend for you”. Then open the product catalog to the program you would recommend for them. Have the price list out and available and provide a breakdown of the price per day for the recommended products. To save some time during this step, you can have prices written in your master catalog already so you can quote prices quickly. Have product catalog available.
Follow Up Plan Time spent: About 15m. Make sure your clients are clear about product usage. Set up a day 1 follow up phone call. Give them your business card and a catalog. Put additional flyers in their bag. Set up a follow up meeting 7 to 10 days later. To follow up with your customer: Make sure your clients are clear how to take Herbalife products and when. Set up a day 1 follow up phone call on your calendar with them. Give them your business card and a catalog. Put any additional flyers in their bag about Weight Loss Challenges or other activities happening in your Club. Set up a day follow up meeting in person within 7 to 10 days after the initial meeting to discuss how they’re feeling and any areas of improvement.
Follow Up Plan (cont’d) Time spent: About 15m. Follow Up Plan (cont’d) Create a customer follow up sheet. Conduct a wellness evaluation again to compare the customer’s responses with the initial evaluation. Inquire about the customer’s satisfaction with the program. Use feedback to identify ways that you could improve your understanding of customer’s needs. Create your own system for customer follow up. For example, a 3 ring binder with day 1-31 tabs, or a hanging file folder system. [INSERT YOUR OWN SUGGESTION FOR FOLLOW UP TECHNIQUES. BRING YOUR FOLLOW UP TOOLS TO SHOW.] Create a customer follow up sheet with the system you use for follow up. Conduct a wellness evaluation again and compare the customer’s responses with his initial evaluation. Identify areas for continued improvement or unexplored goals. Inquire about the customer’s satisfaction with his program. Use feedback from all your customers to identify ways that you could improve your understanding of customers’ needs.