INSPIRE Geoportal Thematic Views Application


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Presentation transcript:

INSPIRE Geoportal Thematic Views Application Robert Tomas EC&EEA INSPIRE CT Team INSPIRE MIG-T WORKSHOP, Ispra; 30-31st of October 2017

Geoportal Thematic Views - Why? The concept of a wide multi-thematic data portal is usually failing to satisfy specific (domain, temporal, scale, location..) user requirements. INSPIRE Geoportal is not an exception.

Geoportal Thematic Views - Why? Difficulties in finding (with decent level of reliability) e.g. national datasets related to various types of environmental reporting. INSPIRE MD Regulation contains only one “reliable” MD element for filtering various environmental domains/reporting – INSPIRE Data themes. The use of other potentially suitable MD elements (e.g. Keywords) are not used at all or not used in a consistent/ harmonised way. The impressive number of MD records the number of downloadable data.

Geoportal Thematic Views - What? Main objectives: To develop a set of “Thematic views” to facilitate users to discover, view and use/download selected datasets To simplify the way users can interact with the content of Geoportal To provide a tool for monitoring provision and facilitating access to e.g. Priority datasets necessary for environmental reporting (MIWP 2016.5), Annex I-III data (12/2017), Core datasets for SDGs (UNGGIM)..

Geoportal Thematic Views - How? New GUI Develop a new user interface to facilitate user interaction with filtered Geoportal data/services Spatial filter (national x other datasets) Develop a spatial filter based on comparing provided bounding boxes with official (Eurostat) country spatial extents Thematic/domain filters (Priority datasets, Inspire themes..) Advanced text searching utilising the Apache SOLR search engine functionality Provided MD Inspire theme keywords Text data mining methods on translated (new EC translation service) MSs MD records (coming soon)

Geoportal Thematic Views – Current status? Two Thematic Views Priority datasets for eReporting (Birds & Habitats Datasets) INSPIRE data themes Two monitoring/data accessing levels EU level National level Thematic/domain filters Advanced text searching utilising the Apache SOLR search engine functionality Text data mining methods on translated (new EC translation service) MSs MD records

Geoportal Thematic Views – Current status? LIVE DEMO

Geoportal Thematic Views – Applied principles Dashboard like GUI – fast orientation – good monitoring – reporting function Modularity of the application - to be re-used for other possible Thematic views on Geoportal content (e.g. Open Data, environment M&Os datasets only,..) Hide the complexity of Inspire Network services (dataset driven) Quality vs Quantity – (e.g. only working “links” = permanent effort) Both types of data filtering (thematic & spatial) – indication only!! Content is changing (MS harvesting schedule + consolidation)

Geoportal Content – Consolidation Broken/missing links between resources Duplicates resources Different use of dataset series concept Data organisation for View/Download

Geoportal Content Broken/missing links between resources 15 tests to check: completeness, consistency, availability of MS harvested resources Tests results stored and used by Front end apps Test results discoverable for MS administrators to check and improve (Validation reports, Resource browser)

Interoperability Aspects tested Spatial Data (Sets or Series) View Service Layers Download Service Spatial Data Sets Service metadata Network Services

Short description of tests

Resource Browser enhanced to support Interoperability Aspects Query on verified aspects Query on missing aspects 13 November 2018

Example: Identifying Spatial Data Services with no valid resource locator to the Network Service 13 November 2018

New banner and meter in reports showing average interoperability degree 13 November 2018

Duplicates resources The causes of such duplications are: Actual duplication of metadata files describing the same resource. Each copy might be a different, usually an updated version of the base one. A metadata is harvested by the National Discovery Service from a regional one but the Discovery Service scenario is federated or client and the INSPIRE Geoportal receives one copy from each service. Reuse of the same fileIdentifier in different metadata documents describing different resources. Technical issues with load balancing multiple nodes which return inconsistent answers during a single harvesting. Software bugs in the Discovery Service (e.g. GeoNetwork)

Geoportal Content – Ways forward? The new Thematic Viewer application available from December 2017. Reports can be provided to all MSs (if requested) Interaction with JRC Geo-portal team via nominated MS contacts Issue Tracker will be used Start checking the Priority datasets + Annex I data

Geoportal Thematic Views – Ways forward? Serve as a data monitoring & accessing platform for Priority datasets for eReporting (MIWP2016.5) Collaborative (EC&EEA x MS) - step wise approach on improvement of the content (e.g. joint recommendations on the MD, data/service organisation and “tagging” of datasets) Continue to simplify access & use of Inspire data (e.g. new Thematic views) Integration with the M&R Dashboard tool + Reference Validator Collecting feedback to shape mid-longer term strategy for the role of INSPIRE Geoportal and its content.

Thank you for your attention. Interoperability is better achieved …sharing solutions in a collaborative way

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Geoportal Thematic Views

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Geoportal Thematic Views