Final Project CC8 Math
Final Project Final exam!! Yay! It’s the end of the school year! Which for us means… Final exam!! and a Project!
Grading This project will count as the major points in the Project Category in the gradebook Remember: using math to complete a project also helps you review material from the year So do an awesome job on the project and study hard for the test
What is the project? You will be representing or explaining a Common Core Math 8 concept using… Art!
What is art? Painting Poetry Singing Acting Rapping Drawing Storytelling Dancing Sound recording Video production Song writing Sculpting Shadow puppets Diorama Poster-making …and so much more
Explanation Your final project must be either performed or presented after the final exam You must also turn in a written explanation of how your art represents your chosen math concept
Scoring Creativity – 10 points Math explanation – 10 points You will be scored in the following categories: Creativity – 10 points Math explanation – 10 points Presentation – 5 points
Approval All projects and chosen topics must get my approval I will try to help guide you as you work on your project, but I will not come up with your idea for you
Have fun with the project!