Stepping Stones Mortimer House/Valley House Curriculum Offer
Overview Stepping Stones provides an adapted national curriculum which is personalised and individualised leading to nationally accredited and recognised qualifications. All qualifications are accredited through the Open College Network framework and IQA Functional Skills. Young people have the opportunity to study for individual units, Award or Certificate qualifications. Core subjects (shown in blue) will compliment their personalised choice of subjects. This list of personalised subjects are not exhaustive and can be adapted/sought for each young person dependent on area of interest and need. Qualifications offer range from Entry 1 – Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE 4). Added Value subjects are offered to enhance learning opportunities and embed holistic learning
OVERVIEW Maths English Functional Skills/GCSEs Science/ICT PSHE Living Independently Practical/Vocational Studies Art/Design/ Crafts Music Animal Care Enrichment Time Speaking & Listening Skills and Presentation Skills Speaking and Listening E1 – L2 Science and the Human Body Understanding Relationships Living safely in the home Carry out a practical activity Visual Arts Explore Music Principles of the movement and handling of small animals Blue Cross Animal Rescue Money Reading for meaning Reading E1 – L2 The Prehistoric World E-Safety Following Instructions Soil Care Craft & Design Project Movement Variation and Adaptations in the environment Jump In Trampolining Weight and Capacity Writing for meaning Writing E1 – L2 Science and the Plant world Healthy Lifestyles Create a simple meal Ground Preparation for planting and showing Every day clothing Dance Principles of the care of animals Narrow boating Length Spelling Skills Maths E1 – L2 Building Confidence and Self Esteem Eating Out Garden Horticulture Cave Painting Yoga Assist with care of animals Floristry Fractions Creative Writing Habitat Management Follow instructions Catering Skills Cooking Textiles Relaxation Class Zoo Visits Lucky Tails Alpaca Farm Multiplication Punctuation and Grammar GCSES (Virtual Study) Observing birds Safeguarding Food Hygiene Kitchen Hygiene Making a Product Singing Lessons Animal Handling Book Barn Subtraction Reading By prior agreement with local authority and Head of Education Countryside Management Prevent Duty/Radicalisation Carry out practical activity Using craft skills with natural materials Keyboard Music Workshops Measure Receiving and responding to information Energy Use Personal Hygiene Textile Craft Exploring Art Lyric Writing Animal Husbandry Bike Building Measuring Distance and Length Writing Computer Privacy & Safety Guest Speakers Equality & Diversity Ground Preparation for planting and sowing Graphic Design Performing Arts Rapping Microscopic Investigations Garden Centres Addition Proof Reading Science Sexual Health Health and Safety Research Techniques in Visual Art Cultural Drums Animal Enrichment Hillz FM Rounding Using a Dictionary British Values Travel training Carpentry Mosaic Instruments Animal Emergencies Hoar Park Farm Area Adjectives Wildlife watch Assertiveness Budgeting Bulb Planting and hanging Baskets Mod Roc Craft Beatbox Animal Welfare Fund raising
Core Subjects & Sample Unit Qualifications Maths English Science SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social , Cultural) Humanities/ICT PHSE Living Independently Time Speaking & Listening Skills and Presentation Skills Science and the Human Body British Values History Understanding Relationships & Sexual Health Living safely in the home Functional Skills Maths E1- L2 Functional Skills E1 – L2 Energy Use Yoga Geography Following Instructions Weight and Capacity Writing for meaning Science and the Plant world Mindfulness Religious Education Healthy Living Create a simple meal Length Reading for Meaning The Prehistoric World Enrichment Local History Building Confidence and Self Esteem Eating Out Fractions Creative Writing Habitat Management Prevent Duty Animation Follow instructions Catering Skills Multiplication Punctuation and Grammar Observing birds Rights and Responsibilities Computer Safety & Privacy Safeguarding Food Hygiene Subtraction Reading Countryside Management Student Voice Cultural Visits Prevent Duty Qualification Carry out practical activity Budgeting Receiving and responding to information Open University Science qualification Team Building Personal Hygiene Textile Craft Measuring Distance and Length Writing First Aid qualification Music – singing, guitar, keyboard Guest Speakers Equality & Diversity Addition Proof Reading Personal Well Being Award Health and Safety Rounding Using a Dictionary Science Experiments Living in a Diverse Society Dealing with Stress Travel training Area Adjectives Wildlife watch Art Assertiveness Money Tutorials Life skills GCSE Virtual Infill (by prior agreement with Head of Ed & local authority)
Vocational/Development Opportunities Practical/Vocational Studies Art/Design/ Crafts Music/Creative Animal Care Enrichment Lunch Club & Additional Activities Carry out a practical activity Develop Mask Making Explore Music Principles of the movement and handling of small animals Blue Cross Animal Rescue Computer Club Soil Care Craft & Design Project Movement Variation and Adaptations in the environment Volunteering Film Club Ground Preparation for planting and showing Every day clothing Principles of the care of animals Narrow boating Fit Club Garden Horticulture Cave Painting Yoga Assist with care of animals Floristry Chess Club Catering Skills Textile Craft Driving a Tractor Lucky Tails Alpaca Farm Peer Mentoring Food Hygiene Making a Product Singing Lessons Animal Handling Book Barn Relaxation time Habitat Management Using craft skills with natural materials Keyboard Park Visits Table Tennis Countryside Management Exploring Art Lyric Writing Animal Husbandry Horse Riding Occupational Therapy Ground Preparation for planting and sowing Graphic Design Pet Care Garden Centres Refresh Research Techniques in Visual Art Guitar lessons Animal Enrichment Harry Potter Lessons – Harry Potter World Royal Celebrations Carpentry Mosaic Instruments Animal Emergencies Hoar Park Farm Volunteering – Soup Kitchen Bulb Planting and hanging Baskets Animal Welfare Fund raising Fundraising
Please note, these subjects are personalised for our current students interests and their needs – we can tailor and personalise further qualifications and programmes for our future young people in our education care. Please contact us for further information: Emma Gillin – 01827 337998 or 07811414551 Head of Education Stepping Stones & Virtual School