The Dog I ate in China…
Medieval Jeopardy Rulers Churchus Maximus Term-inator That’s not Roman Significant Events 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
Topic 1 for 100 This English king spent the majority of his reign fighting in the Crusades...
Topic 1 for 100 Answer: Richard the Lion -Hearted
Topic 1 for 200 He was the first to call his territory the Holy Roman Empire; he got his cognomen from his red beard ...
Topic 1 for 200 Answer: Frederick Barbarossa
This king expanded the borders of France three-fold… Topic 1 for 300 This king expanded the borders of France three-fold…
Topic 1 for 300 Answer: Philip II “Augustus”
Topic 1 for 400 Who became king of England after his victory at the Battle of Hastings in 1066?
Topic 1 for 400 Answer: William the Conqueror
He introduced Christianity to the Franks in the 6th Century. Topic 1 for 500 He introduced Christianity to the Franks in the 6th Century.
Topic 1 for 500 Answer: Clovis
Pope Gregory VII excommunicated HRE Henry IV over this issue ... Topic 2 for 100 Pope Gregory VII excommunicated HRE Henry IV over this issue ...
Answer: lay investiture Topic 2 for 100 Answer: lay investiture
The selling of lower Church offices by Bishops... Topic 2 for 200 The selling of lower Church offices by Bishops...
Topic 2 for 200 Answer: Simony
Topic 2 for 300 A cathedral with thick walls, few windows, and a heavy ceiling exemplifies this style of architecture...
Topic 2 for 300 Answer: Romanesque
Topic 2 for 400 This new invention that supported the walls of Gothic Cathedrals, allowed them to be much taller than their predecessors...
Topic 2 for 400 Answer: Flying Buttresses
A priest or a member of the Church staff is referred to as this. Topic 2 for 500 A priest or a member of the Church staff is referred to as this.
Topic 2 for 500 Answer: clergy
An association of workers within the same field... Topic 3 for 100 An association of workers within the same field...
Topic 3 for 100 Answer: guild
Topic 3 for 200 The piece of land one was given in return for military protection and loyalty (in feudalism)...
Topic 3 for 200 Answer: fief
Topic 3 for 300 These are examples of...
Answer: illuminated manuscripts Topic 3 for 300 Answer: illuminated manuscripts
Topic 3 for 400 This was a powerful noble in the 8th century Frankish kingdom who actually had more power than the king…
Answer: Mayor of the Palace Topic 3 for 400 Answer: Mayor of the Palace
Topic 3 for 500 This term refers to the person on the lower end of a feudal agreement (the person getting the land)...
Topic 3 for 500 Answer: vassal
Topic 4 for 100 Who crowned Otto king of the Roman Empire of the German Nation in 936...
Topic 4 for 100 Answer: the Pope
Topic 4 for 200 For the most part, what group of people made up the Holy Roman Empire...
Topic 4 for 200 Answer: Germanics
Topic 4 for 300 The period immediately following the fall of Rome and extending until the reign of Charlemagne is called...
Topic 4 for 300 Answer: Dark Ages
Topic 4 for 400 This treaty split the remains of Charlemagne’s empire into three parts…
Answer: Treaty of Verdun Topic 4 for 400 Answer: Treaty of Verdun
The Papal States derived from this gift from a Frankish king… Topic 4 for 500 The Papal States derived from this gift from a Frankish king…
Answer: Donation of Pepin Topic 4 for 500 Answer: Donation of Pepin
This battle, in 732, stopped the northern spread of Islam... Topic 5 for 100 This battle, in 732, stopped the northern spread of Islam...
Answer: Battle of Tours Topic 5 for 100 Answer: Battle of Tours
This was a Medieval version of Christian terrorism... Topic 5 for 200 This was a Medieval version of Christian terrorism...
Topic 5 for 200 Answer: Crusades
Topic 5 for 300 The development of this allowed farmers to do more work in less time...
Answer: horse drawn plow Topic 5 for 300 Answer: horse drawn plow
Topic 5 for 400 One of the most significant pieces of legislation in history, it was forced upon the English king while he was hunting...
Topic 5 for 400 Answer: Magna Carta
Topic 5 for 500 The attack on this city during the Crusades led to the ultimate split between the eastern and western Church...
Answer: Constantinople Topic 5 for 500 Answer: Constantinople