Photographs for Parliamentary Enquiry on Maternal Morbidity
Unwanted Pregnancies
Pregnancy in early adolescence is often unwanted
Unsafe abortions
Unsafe abortion accounts for 13% of all maternal deaths
Prolonged and Obstructed Labours
Barriers to Accessing Professional Care Ethiopian MoH Survey[1] showed most commonly reported deterrent to accessing maternity care is fear there will be no health worker present at the health centre[1] Labour and delivery wards are set up with very little attention to womens dignity and needs Often not hygienic or welcoming places for women to deliver [1][1] Central Statistical Agency Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and ORC Macro, Calverton USA, Ethiopia, Demographic and Health Survey 2005
No privacy as delivery beds close together, facing outwards to corridor into labour wards
Delivery beds like these require the mother to deliver in supine position, instead of more natural and comfortable positions
With long and difficult journeys, it can take days for women facing prolonged and obstructed labours to reach hospital. This delay contributes to obstetric fistula.
Case Study – Fistula Ethiopia
Achuwaches Story Achuwache was married at fifteen, and soon afterwards had a difficult pregnancy and prolonged labour. The long labour caused a fistula – a hole between the vagina and the bladder, which causes incontinence. Achuwache: After twelve days labour I went to the health centre. They couldnt do anything. They said take her to Gonder (six hours away) and that was it. They took me back home. They thought they were taking my corpse home, but when its not your time, its not your time. I survived and had the baby at home. It was dead. Then I had this problem. I got damaged. As far as my family was concerned, I didnt exist, but here I am, alive. My husband divorced me straight away before the year was out. People only like you when youre healthy. It was six years before Achuwache heard that her problem could be cured and underwent a successful operation to repair her fistula.
Eclampsia and pre eclampsia
Edema, or swelling, of the feet and ankles, if severe, is associated with pre eclampsia
Haemorrhage and anaemia
Infections including HIV
Filthy conditions like these spread infections
Postnatal depression