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Research Basics What is Research: The Research Process Systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting info/data in order to increase understanding of a phenomenon about which we are interested of concerned. The Research Process A question is posed Literature is searched A research method is developed Data is collected Data is analyzed A decision is made
Research types Qualitative: case study, lit review, observation Quantitative: Experimental Sources for research: NIOSH Workplace Accidental exposure, etc.
Research Goal A research goal is a broad statement An unanswered question The researcher wishes to examine occupational fatalities due to electrocutions in the construction industry
Problem Statement The Problem Statement of a research study describes the purpose of the research project. Example: The purpose of this study is to describe the risk factors for fatalities due to electrocutions in the construction industry. Sub-problems examine parts of the main Problem Statement Describe the risk factors for electrocutions involving overhead power lines Describe the risk factors for electrocutions involving power tools
Research Hypotheses Research Hypotheses Educated conjecture applied to the research problem The researcher wishes to determine if there is a significant relationship between the age of the worker and their involvement in an occupational electrocution The researcher wishes to determine if there is a significant relationship between the type of job task the victim was engaged in their involvement in an occupational electrocution
IRB Institutional Review Board. Main objective: protect human subjects rights and welfare. Main confidentiality and privacy Participation is voluntary Can’t conduct the research prior to the approval. Activity 3: obtain the CITI training certificate.
Proposal Select your topic State the purpose Provide background, significance and lit review Data collection Outcomes Timeline Resources