Providing Praise & Offering Choices Accentuating the positive potential of PBS Authored by: Zachary Tucker and Cynthia Olson
Praise Life is full of challenges for all of us, and it can be easy to despair when success seems impossible, or when the successes we have achieved go unnoticed and unsung. The role of providing praise within PBS calls us to take every opportunity to highlight a person’s success with encouragement and positivity.
Providing Praise: Why should we do it? Boosts self-image and self-esteem Increases a person’s desire to please and succeed Builds closer relationships, encourages better trust and communication Nurtures an internal desire to try and keep trying Increases a person’s ability to handle difficult times, and then bounce back from them Keeps people engaged and invested in their environment, as well as the relationships they have within it Positivity, like respect, is a two way street. The more you give the more you get
Providing Praise: When should we do it? When you want to improve trust and build a relationship with someone When a person steps out of their comfort zone or takes a risk When a person is frustrated, or stuck When a person is having personal difficulty, needs encouragement, or is feeling insecure When a person succeeds, overcomes, persists, or otherwise achieves a goal When a person is using coping skills or problem solving skills When a person is independent or takes the initiative
Providing Praise: How should we do it? When delivering praise, your body language should match the positivity of your message, and the praise should be personalized and specific to an individual’s experience When an opportunity to provide positive praise presents itself, support can be given in the form of encouragement, verbal praise, a pat on the back, a high-five, etc. Praise can be given in a variety of ways, depending on personal preference. Some people enjoy being recognized publicly, while others may prefer a quieter one to one setting. Praise, according to research, should be given in a ratio of at least 4 praises to 1 criticism
Choices The freedom to make independent decisions concerning the course of one’s life is a basic human right that is often taken for granted Many of the individuals we serve either require assistance in their decision making process, or need their decisions made for them. Such a lack of autonomy can lead to frustration and a sense of powerlessness Whenever a situation in which a person is capable of communicating a preference presents itself, it should be taken as an opportunity to empower while building a positive rapport and gaining greater insight into an individuals personality
Offering Choices: Why should we do it? Decreases opposition and refusal Builds rapport and communication Increases engagement and enthusiasm Leads to new interests and a richer life experience Important form of empowerment Prevents power struggles Improved coping when performing an undesired task
Offering Choices: When should we do it? When asking someone to do something When a person is having a difficult time making a decision When giving consequences When giving rewards When a person is argumentative Anytime a person’s opinion can be considered
Offering Choices: How should we do it? Offer choices that introduce new experiences and opportunities, as well as established interests Only give choices you will fully accept Making choices should be part of every person’s daily life
Praise and Choices Positive praise builds positive relationships, and promotes good self-esteem as well as confidence. There are many opportunities to provide praise throughout the day, such as when a person is frustrated, trying something new, using coping skills, or finding success Offering choices decreases opposition by preventing power struggles, while empowering people to make decisions in their lives. This also provides a way for people to explore new experiences and opportunities. Choices can be useful when communicating rewards or consequences. Any time a person’s preference could be considered it should be.