Agenda Potential changes – 10 minutes Part I: TOPICS: Identify a topic you hope is raised this evening. – 5 minutes Part II: QUESTIONS: Write down the questions you want answered both a) clarifying questions and b) probing questions (or any question will d0). – 10 minutes Part III: Report out on your TOPICS and your QUESTIONS. – 15 minutes Part IV: Identifying the essential questions for BOE deliberation Part V: Planning the next steps
Enrollment & Impact
Part I: TOPICS Please get into a small group and on the display pad provided, write out topics you hope are raised this evening.
Part II: Questions In your small group, please write out questions you have for this evening on a separate sheet of the display pad provided.
Part III: Reporting out! Report out to the larger group on your TOPICS and your QUESTIONS
Part IV: Identify essential questions Post these around the room – individuals please browse the lists and STAR (with up to 5 stars) those they feel are critical to for the BOE to address as it deliberates on the budget.
Part V: Planning the next steps As a group, what are some next steps for this budget process?