First there was the Khoisan… Then came the Bantu groups. Bantu is a major branch of the Niger-Congo language family spoken by most populations in Africa. There are about 650 Bantu languages by the criterion
Who are the Bantu? People who migrated (moved) from central Africa who spoke a certain type of language.
How were the Bantu different from the Khoisan. The Bantu are part of a different language group than the Khoisan. The Bantu are an iron-age people while the Khoisan were a stone-age people. The Bantu were subsistence farmers and grew crops like sorghum and mallet. The Bantu measured wealth through cattle. The Bantu would develop into groups like the Shona, Ndebele, Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana etc. The Bantu would come to represent the majority of the people living in this country – 80% sorghum millet
The Bantu pushed the Khoisan to the West of South Africa.