Healthy Vs Unhealthy Relationships Signs of an abusive relationship and access resources to help
Class activity: Red flag / Green flag On one side of the room you see a green flag, this flag represents a healthy relationship. *Raise your hand if you have a describing word for a healthy relationship… go write it on the flag. On the other side of the room you see a red flag, this represents an unhealthy relationship. *Raise your hand if you have a describing word for an UNhealthy relationship… go write it on the flag. Now I will read over a few scenarios and you will decide on your own whether you think the relationship is GREEN (healthy) or RED (unhealthy). You will move to stand in front of the representing flag. If undecided you will stay in the middle.
Scenario 1 Juan saw Donna talking with Dwayne. He grabbed her by the arm, pulled her away from Dwayne and screamed at her, “What’re you doing talking with another guy? No girlfriend of mine is gonna make me look like a chump. I better never catch you talking with that guy again….or any other guy as far as that goes. If I do…….”
Scenario 2 Courtney is always having difficulty with math. Her grades are poor and the teacher has talked with her about needing to improve twice already this year. Her older stepsister, Morgan, notices how upset Courtney has been lately and asks her what’s wrong. At first, Courtney hesitates to open up, but Morgan encourages her. Finally, Courtney tells her stepsister that once again she doesn’t understand the new material being introduced in math. Morgan says she understands how Courtney might feel and volunteers to help with math.
Scenario 3 Dion has been told by his mother to come straight home from school everyday. One day, a teacher asks Dion to help with the decorations for the school dance because of his creativity and artistic ability. After helping at school, Dion is late getting home. When he gets home, his mother is furious and won’t listen to where he’s been. She keeps repeating “My rule is - you come home immediately after school every day.” Mom punishes Dion for being late by removing the use of the phone and computer, and telling him he can’t go to the dance.
Scenario 4 Rob dared Liam to help him steal a road sign. Liam had never stolen anything before so he said ‘No.’ Rob persisted in trying to get Liam to help with the fun saying “I thought you wanted to have a good time. It will be a blast.” Liam was worried they’d get in trouble. Rob responded “Well, if you’re such a baby, then maybe you’d best not bother to hang out with us Friday night.”
Scenario 5 Every time Trey came out of class, Maria was there waiting for him. She followed him to his next class and was always offering to help with his homework. Trey told Maria he wasn’t interested in having a relationship with her, but the more he protested the more she followed him around. One afternoon after school, Trey arrived home to find Maria standing outside his house. He asked her to leave, but she cried “I thought we had something special and all you do is treat me like dirt.” He responded saying “I don’t know what you’re talking about…we’ve never even been out. I haven’t even spent any time with you. Go away.” Maria got red in the face and screamed “You’ll be sorry. I’ll tell everyone on Facebook what a jerk you are.” With that, she threw a book at him and stormed away.
RED FLAG ALERT The following behaviors are characteristic of an unhealthy relationship. A Red Flag should start waving when you come across any of these behaviors in your relationship: Being physically hurt Feeling afraid or being afraid of your girlfriend or boyfriend Spending time with only one person – feeling isolated from others Changing your behavior because of your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s Feeling embarrassed or controlled Being threatened – verbally, emotionally or physically Being afraid to express your own feelings
RED FLAG ALERT CONT. A nervous or sick feeling when around your boyfriend or girlfriend A fluttering in your chest when your boyfriend or girlfriend is not happy Having a gut feeling that things just aren’t right Boyfriend or girlfriend is easily angered Not being allowed to, or being afraid to, make decisions for yourself Feeling controlled or manipulated Feeling intimidated by your girlfriend or boyfriend Not feeling respected Feeling crowded in or not having your wishes for personal space adhered to
WHAT DO YOU DO IF YOU HAVE A RED FLAG POP UP? Get to safety immediately Ask for help – parent, teacher, counselor, peer, clergy, sibling, or neighbor Contact a resource who can help you – community, state or national agency Domestic Violence Hotline: 24/7 PHONE SUPPORT Trained advocates are available to take your calls through our toll free, 24/7 hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).
Conception and Pregnancy Summarizing the relationship between conception and the menstrual cycle
The cycle of life Ovulation- One part of the female menstrual cycle whereby a mature ovarian follicle (part of the ovary) discharges an egg (also known as an ovum, oocyte, or female gamete). It is during this process that the egg travels down the fallopian tube Menstruation- the process in a woman of discharging blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy. Conception- the fertilization of an ovum by a sperm in the Fallopian tube followed by implantation in the womb.
Human life begins from tiny organisms The beginning of human life is called conception. The ovum is the size of a grain of salt. 40-150 million sperm are released. Only one will fertilize the ovum.
Menarche A females first menstruation is called menarche. She will have had earlier pubertal developments such as pubic hair and the beginning of breast development. Menarche usually occurs between ages of 11-15
Ovulation and conception Ovulation occurs when an ovum ripens and is released from the ovary. It is guided by the fimbriae into the fallopian tube. If the woman has sexual intercourse, the ovum may meet and join with a sperm cell from the man. This is called conception or fertilization.
Conception During sexual intercourse millions of sperm are released Only a few hundred make it to the ovum Only one will penetrate the ovum
What happens if conception does occur? If conception does occur, the fertilized ovum (now called a zygote) travels into the uterus and implants into the wall of the uterus. The zygote now develops into a baby to be born approximately 9 months later.
How do twins happen? With identical twins, one sperm fertilizes one ovum; then the zygote splits in two. With fraternal twins, two ova are released and fertilized by two different sperm and zygotes share the womb during pregnancy.
Two types of twins Identical twins Share same DNA. Always 2 boys or 2 girls Fraternal twins No more alike than any 2 siblings. Can be boy and girl.
Pregnancy The zygote develops into a fetus and the fetus develops into a baby. Pregnancy takes about 40 weeks Mother needs to eat nutritious food, gain the proper amount of weight, avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, as well as visit the doctor regularly.
What happens if conception doesn’t occur? If the ovum is not fertilized, it will travel from the uterus with menstrual flow or bleeding during the next menstruation. What is the fluid which leaves the body during menstruation? In preparation for the possibility of pregnancy, the endometrium (lining of the uterus) begins to get thicker. If conception does not occur, the lining thins out and leaves the body. The sloughing off of the endometrium (or menstrual blood) is a normal process for girls and women during their menstrual years.
O-M cycle… What is average? What is normal? Length of O-M cycle: 28-29 days (may be 20-35 days) Ovulation usually occurs 14 days PRIOR to menstruation. May occur earlier, later, or not at all. RARELY occurs during menstruation… but it is possible. Length of menstruation is 5 days. (May be 3-7 days)
Other factors related to conception Sperm from males can live an average length of time: 3 days (maybe 1 ½ -7 days). Ovum may be viable for several days Because females cannot accurately predict when she will ovulate, and a male does not know how long his sperm will live,… a couple cannot predict for certain if pregnancy will or will not happen at a given time based on the calendar alone.