Marvellous Me – Year 1 Homework Project – Due in Friday 8th December Starters Main Courses Desserts Reading – Please ensure that you spend the equivalent of 10 minutes a day, reading your school reading book and other suitable books of your own choice. We can change home reading books every Monday in school. You must bring your reading books into school on a Monday for us to be able to do this. Make a model of a house: Use a shoe box, or something similar, to create a model of a house. This could be where you live or it could be another house. Think about how you will disguise your box so it doesn’t look like cardboard. How will you add a roof, chimney, windows, doors etc? If your house has a garden, how will you add that? Research: What are the differences between different types of homes? E.g detached, semi-detached, caravan, bungalow, flats etc. What do you live in? What about your friends and extended family. Draw, paint or make: A collage of your favourite things. This could be favourite animals, favourite hobbies, favourite foods. Experience: In school, we have learnt about our five senses. Go on an Autumn walk and think about the senses you are using. Do you ever use all five sense at once? Think about which sense you think you use the most and why/ Create a family book: Create a book all about your family. This could include photographs and drawings and written facts about their ages, eye colours, hair colours, hobbies, likes, dislikes etc. You could even include your pets! An adult at home could help you write some full sentences to go in your book. This could be presented in a notebook, exercise book, folder or sheets of paper that have been folded to make a book. Number Zumba – Please ensure that you spend the equivalent of 10 minutes a day practicing your rapid recall facts for your test on a Friday. Write a re-count: Write about a special day you have spent with your family. It might be a day where you have shared a special celebration or a day where you have been for a special trip out somewhere together. This activity could be done with an adult. You could re-tell your ideas and they could write them for you. Although, you could write some words and sentences if you can. After that, you could illustrate your writing by adding drawings. Draw your home: Draw a picture of the front of your house and then draw a picture of the back of your house. You could label your pictures and compare the front and back. E.g. How many windows are there at the front? How many more/less are there at the back? Spellings – Please ensure that you spend the equivalent of 10 minutes a day practicing your spellings for your weekly test on a Friday