Environmental History and Law Brian Kaestner Thanks to Cheryl Casper Kent State University
envhist 1500 1870 1880 1850 1906
Environmental History of the United States: The Tribal and Frontier Eras Tribal Era: pre-1492 Native Americans generally low-impact hunter-gather or agricultural societies Frontier Era: European Settlement (1607-1890) Significant impact as wilderness frontier was “tamed”
Environmental History of the United States: The Early Conservation Era Period: 1832-1960 Concern over resource use Preservation of public lands Public employment - CCC Environmental restoration projects
Environmental History of the United States: The Environmental Era Period: 1960-2000 The environmental movement The science of ecology 1980’s: anti-environmental movement 1990’s: environmental awareness
apes laws
Hazardous Waste What constitutes a hazardous waste? Any substance that poses potential, substantial threat to human health or the environment. Most of the danger occurs because hazardous chemicals leach out of dumps in rainwater or into the air in vaporous form.